Definition of


Astronomical observation

Observation is very important in astronomy.

From the Latin observatio , observation is the action and effect of observing (to examine carefully, to look modestly, to warn). It is an activity carried out by living beings to detect and assimilate information . The term also refers to the recording of certain facts through the use of instruments.

Observation is part of the scientific method since, together with experimentation , it allows empirical verification of phenomena. Most sciences use both resources in a complementary way.

Astronomy is often taken as an example of sciences that are based on observation. In this case, experimentation is not possible since the object of study cannot be transferred to the laboratory.

scientific observation

Scientific observation consists of the measurement and recording of observable facts . This activity must be carried out objectively, without opinions, feelings and emotions influencing the technical work.

Broadly speaking, we can distinguish three steps or stages that characterize the work of scientific observation:

* A hypothesis is developed, which attempts to explain the phenomenon studied;

* a logical prediction is made, based on previous results or simply on specific knowledge, and it is usually experimented from these ideas;

* Finally, professionals are in a position to reach a conclusion and, in this way, continue contributing to the knowledge of humanity.


In many regions, bird watching is a popular activity.

The concept in art

Observation is also carried out in the field of art and consists of a detailed look to appreciate the characteristics of a work.

By observing an artistic piece carefully, it is possible to analyze the visual qualities and understand the meaning of what the artist wanted to express.

Weather observation

The advances in high-altitude wind observation that took place during World War II, and also afterwards, were the starting point for the development of new theories about weather prediction and made evident the need to modify some of ancient concepts related to atmospheric circulation.

Throughout this period, the Swedish meteorologist Carl-Gustav Rossby stood out, who, together with his American assistants, made a large number of important contributions to science, such as the discovery of the so-called jet stream (an air mass that surrounds the Earth , moving at high speed).

In the year 50, the first computers allowed the principles of thermodynamics and hydrodynamics to be applied to climate prediction ; In just a few decades, the evolution of weather forecasts has given humans the possibility of improving their industries and their lives in general.

From the surface or from the upper atmosphere

Basically, one can distinguish between two types of climate observations:

* those carried out from the earth's surface , which outnumber those carried out from higher heights. They are used to measure atmospheric pressure, humidity, temperature, wind speed and direction, precipitation (both rain and snowfall), visibility, and to count clouds and deduce their position on the vertical axis. Among the instruments used in ground-level observations are the mercury barometer, various types of thermometer, and the hygrometer.

* those that take place in the upper atmosphere , more modern, and used to quantitatively measure wind, temperature, humidity and pressure. There are hundreds of stations distributed throughout the world (mainly in the northern hemisphere) and dozens of ships, from which these observations take place. The devices used in these cases have more advanced technologies; Some examples are the so-called radiosonde , satellites and airplanes.