Definition of

Specific objective

Objectives and goals

To achieve a general objective, it is essential that each specific objective be met throughout a process.

A specific objective is a determined and practicable purpose that a human being, a company or an entity sets itself with the challenge of achieving in a specific period of time, responding to guidelines of general objectives linked to an investigation, a procedure or a plan, for example. .

At the corporate level, specific objectives (which are also usually defined as auxiliary or tactical in certain areas) are fundamental in the development of strategic planning .

Why are they necessary and valuable? Because at a corporate or organizational level they contribute to advancing in a controlled manner towards a goal . They are an invitation to work as a team and promote communication , as well as giving the possibility of timely carrying out an evaluation that serves as a guide to maintain or modify measures depending on the final purpose.

How a specific target is classified

Knowing how a specific objective is classified, being aware of its characteristics, helps to be able to trace it, recognize it and differentiate it among many other objectives .

Firstly, a specific objective is precise, it is tactically established as part of a strategy led by general or main objectives, of greater magnitude.

The quality of measurability is also a characteristic of this set. That is, it must be able to be expressed in some unit (production metric, monetary unit, etc.). It must even be able to undergo verification for approval , adjustment or correction .

Likewise, a specific objective must necessarily be realistic in order to be achieved and limited to a specific period for its fulfillment .

Finally, it is important that each specific objective is expressed or written in the clearest and most detailed way possible (in infinitive format) and that, both in the short and medium term, it leaves room for the orderly development of phases or stages. Expressed in another way, it must be prepared in such a way that they are successive and show a gradual progress. The challenge is to direct all efforts so that each specific objective focuses on achieving the expected result and being in line with the vision and mission of a company.


In a digital communication plan, for example, it is essential to draw up a strategy that includes specific and general objectives.

Differences between general and specific objectives

There are many differences between general and specific objectives . Although both are connected because they are oriented toward the same goal, the former are broad and very comprehensive, while the latter have the particularity of being more detailed.

The statement of the general objectives emphasizes a macro idea and the intention of the project or activity that is intended to be deployed, while the specific objectives serve to express and organize the steps or processes that are required to complete the challenge. .

When it comes to the general objective of a research process, we must ensure that it is deeper and at a higher level in relation to the specific objective . If it has been correctly stated, the general is an objective that summarizes or synthesizes the purpose of the procedure.

How to develop a specific objective

To develop a specific objective, it is advisable to start by identifying needs and problems. Experts in the design of general and specific objectives suggest continuing with a phase of observation , analysis and order of priorities . After formulating the specific objectives, it is time to carry out the validation and, if necessary, the necessary adjustment .

Afterwards, the approach has to be oriented towards communication and the presentation of each specific objective .

It should be noted that these particular purposes also require evaluation and monitoring . In this context, each item cataloged as an indicator of time, quality and quantity, as well as each metric , must be recognized and examined. Nor should we overlook or underestimate the importance of learning and feedback if we want to be successful in planning, management or a project.

On the other hand, it is interesting to know how and what are the techniques and tools available to develop specific objectives . The SWOT analysis (or SWOT) acquires notoriety in this framework to determine threats, weaknesses, opportunities and strengths of a corporation and the so-called PESTEL analysis that emphasizes legal, political, sociocultural, environmental and economic aspects of a company, to list two. alternatives for reference.

Group cooperation

Among all the existing objectives, for example, intradepartmental collaboration objectives appear that seek integration and cooperation between members of different areas, sectors or departments of a company.

Specific objectives in practice

In practice, the specific objectives transcend the areas of scientific research and business activity.

These resources are also necessary in the area of ​​education for the implementation and fulfillment of pedagogical or educational programs that aim at the best possible performance of students and optimal performance on the part of educators.

Innovation in technology projects, efficiency in solving problems linked to the health system, management in social development to promote and support initiatives and policies with social responsibility and strategies focused on sustainability and environmental issues. environment are other challenges for which it is valuable and useful to set both general and specific objectives .