Definition of



It is common that meeting objectives requires time and resources.

Objective is that which refers to the object itself , beyond what one feels or thinks. The etymological origin of the term is found in Latin, more specifically in obiectus. This word is characterized because it is made up of the prefix - ob (which translates as "above or on" ) and the verb iacere ( which means "throw or throw" ).

Let's look at an example. If someone weighs a box on a scale and states that the box weighs five kilograms, that is objective data: it is not influenced by the subject's opinion but is determined by physical laws. On the other hand, if a person lifts the box and says that it is very heavy, it is a subjective fact (it depends on the subject's consideration and not on the object itself; that same box may be light for another individual).

In its function as an adjective, the notion of objective describes something or someone with a disinterested profile ( "I am not part of the team, therefore I am objective and I can give you my opinion: I think the coach's attitude was wrong" ) or a that which exists specifically, typical of the real plane ( "I don't care what you think, this is an objective question, they are going to evict me in three days unless I pay off the debt" ).

Goal as a noun

Objective can also be used as a noun. A target, in this framework, is a target that is used to gain experience as a shooter and direct shots towards it ( "Whoever hits the target from more than fifty meters away wins a prize" ) or any other surface on which a firearm is fired ( "General, we have hit the target. The enemy plane has been shot down" ).

Likewise, in addition to the meanings set forth, we can also say that in the military field, an objective is considered to be any area that is desired to be occupied through the development of an established plan.

This meaning has given rise to the fact that today we use the term in the business field to refer to all those results that a business in question wants to achieve. Thus, an example could be: "The industry that Manuel directs has set the objective of increasing sales this year by around 10%."

In this sense, it is vital that, to achieve said objective or objectives, a plan to follow is designed that will be made up of several fundamental pillars to develop and be effective: strategic, tactical, operational and regulatory.

In the field of optics, likewise, the idea of ​​objective refers to a lens (or a system of lenses) of an optical instrument that is located in the area that points towards the object.


There are objectives that are achieved with collaboration or cooperation.

Different goals

The objective can be understood as a purpose or a goal . A young person can set the goal of buying a motorcycle within a year: in this way, they begin to save with that intention.

The goal, therefore, is an aspiration . Usually people design a strategy or apply a tactic in the hope of achieving the achievement in question. The objective usually functions as a motivation that justifies the efforts or dedication.

Depending on the type of objective, the actions to achieve it can be very different. The objective can be framed in a business project, to mention one possibility, with management by one or more managers. In these cases, an evaluation, analysis and monitoring of each action is usually carried out to examine its effectiveness .

On the contrary, if the objective is more of a personal dream, the execution of the acts is less formal. The implementation of measures tends to be spontaneous , even when there is planning behind it.


Having flexibility and the ability to adapt is important to move towards a goal.

Compliance with objectives

Meeting objectives requires commitment and skills. You have to be clear about what the mission is and carry out the work with determination that allows progress towards the goal.

Maintaining focus is a priority. If a young person's goal is to graduate as soon as possible, they cannot afford to go out every weekend and neglect their studies, since that conspires against their aspiration. Therefore, responsibility is required.

Perseverance , perseverance and resilience are also essential. It is important not to give up in the face of adversity and know how to reinvent yourself when reality demands a change.

The term in music and cinema

To conclude, we can establish that in the ' 80s in Spain there was a pop group called Objective Burma that achieved significant success thanks to songs such as "Desidia" , "All men are equal" or "Siroco" .

In the cinematographic field we also find interesting productions with the term in question such as "Target: Patton" . In 1978, this film was released, directed by John Hough , in which the possibility is raised that the famous General Patton did not die due to an accident but through an orchestrated trap to end his life.