Definition of



A note can be a message or a note.

The concept of note has multiple uses and meanings. The most common is the one that presents it as the identifying sign or mark that is applied to something with the objective of individualizing it, allowing its recognition or disseminating it. A note is also an observation that is made in any text or page of a book and that is usually located in one of the margins.

In the latter case, the note consists of a comment, an explanation or a warning that, due to its particularities, cannot be included within the text , so it is added outside the main structure.

The note as a note or message

A note can be a note of something with the aim of remembering it later or extending it. For example: "I have taken note of your appreciation to continue writing my book."

In general, a note is called any short message that has been written and the paper where said message is made known: "I left you a note on your desk with the last phone calls," "Ángela wrote me a note with the products." that I have to buy at the supermarket .

A rating and a newspaper article

On the other hand, a grade is the grade that arises after analyzing a test, an exam or an evaluation : "I have to get an eight to pass the subject," "Juan got a ten in his literature test."

Also, it is worth noting that, in Argentina and Uruguay , the journalistic article that is part of magazines and newspapers is known as a note: "Clarín published a very interesting note about the Tartagal tragedy."


In music, a note is a sound produced by constant vibration.

Give the note

The expression giving the grade refers to a situation in which someone behaves in an inappropriate way, in a certain environment, and attracts attention .

It does not necessarily have a negative connotation, since it can be either someone who tends to drop things out of their hands or a person who usually drinks more than necessary and attacks their colleagues at a party.

The concept in music

Note, in musical language , gives name to the sound that is produced by a constant vibration and refers to the sign that is used to represent said sound graphically: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si . Both the number of notes and the way they are played varies depending on the instrument.

The piano, for example, is a tempered instrument ; This means that the tuning of the notes is achieved prior to their execution and is fixed, so that the musician does not have to worry about regulating the pitch of the sounds while playing. Furthermore, by having a specific number of keys, the number of tones that can be obtained is always the same: twelve per scale. This responds to Western theory, very different from those used in Eastern countries.

Notes and tones

The twelve-tone scales , which we all almost always know and appreciate when listening to the radio, consist of twelve different sounds , which have the same distance from each other: a semitone . This indicates that, between C and D, for example, there is only one distinguishable note: C sharp or D flat. On the piano, both notes sound the same, since they are represented by the same key.

In contrast to the piano, most string instruments are not tempered. In other words, the musician must learn to look for that point, that strength, that support that is necessary to play each note with the correct tuning . Returning to twelve-tone scales, a C sharp and a D flat can sound slightly different on a viola, for example, as long as the player is able to give each one a different character.