Definition of



A human being who has not yet reached puberty is called a child.

A child is a human being who has not yet reached puberty . Therefore, it is a person who is in childhood and who has only a few years to live.

In its broadest sense, childhood encompasses all ages of the child: from a newborn infant to preadolescence , through the infant or baby stage and middle childhood .

In this sense, we must not forget the fact that it is common for the expression "booth child" to be used colloquially. It is used to refer to any man who is in the lactation phase, that is, who is still feeding on breast milk.

child development

The development of the child involves a series of learning that will be key to their formation as an adult. In the first years of life, the child must develop his language to later learn to read and write.

Over time, the child begins to be educated at school and acquires the knowledge that society considers essential for the formation of people. In this educational process, the child assimilates the values ​​of his culture and the current conception of morality and ethics.


During his development, the child learns multiple issues that allow him to gain autonomy.

Other uses of the concept

In addition to all the above, we cannot ignore the fact that in various corners of the world geography the term child is used to refer to other types of people. Thus, for example, in Andalusia and the Canary Islands it is common to use the term boy to refer to any man who is single. But not only that, it is also used as an affectionate nickname by girlfriends or wives for their partners.

In the same way, we cannot ignore the expression "good child." It is used colloquially to classify a young man who comes from a wealthy family, and who is therefore characterized by being vain, presumptuous and, in most cases, looks at other people "over his shoulder." .

In recent years, with the advancement of science, a new term has been created that uses the word we are analyzing. Specifically, we are referring to what is known as a test tube child. It is a word that is used to refer to that baby who, mainly because its mother is sterile, was born thanks to the implantation of an already fertilized egg in the uterus of its mother in a laboratory.

Child in climate and religion

El Niño , on the other hand, is a climate phenomenon that consists of the alteration of the movement patterns of air masses. This generates unusual ocean currents that warm the waters in South America and have worldwide effects.

The figure of Jesus Christ when he was a child is known as Child Jesus or Child God . This representation of Christ generates devotion in numerous countries, especially in Latin America . In some regions, it is even considered that the Child Jesus is in charge of bringing gifts to children during the Christmas holiday. For this reason, the children direct their letters towards the Child Jesus .