Definition of



Natural is an adjective that refers to what is linked to nature.

From the Latin naturalis , the term natural has several meanings and uses. It is an adjective that refers to that belonging to or related to nature . For example: "This juice is natural, it does not have any preservatives or additives."

On the other hand, natural is what is in accordance with the property or quality of things : "It is natural that the table broke, it could not support so much weight on it," "If you put colored clothes and a white sheet in the washing machine "It is natural that it fades."

Different uses of the term natural

Natural can be that which appears as opposed to the miraculous or the supernatural , that is, that takes place by the forces of nature itself: "The town has been punished with a natural catastrophe of immense proportions" , "The fire was started by natural causes .

A natural person is one who acts spontaneously in their behavior: "Ricardo is very natural, it is impossible not to realize what he is feeling," "Your mother does not act naturally, I think she is hiding something." The concept is also often used to refer to someone who does not like to adorn themselves with accessories, who is always dressed simply and who avoids earrings, necklaces and makeup.

Another application of the concept of natural is linked to that which is regular and that happens regularly , making it credible: "Snow is something natural in Bariloche during this time of year."

The concept regarding the native and in music

Natural also refers to the native of a specific town , nation or territory: "This writer is a native of Argentina, although he has lived in Colombia for many years," "My team has hired a player who is a native of Liberia."

In the field of music , a natural note is one that is not modified by sharp or flat.

Nature reserve

A nature reserve is a wild place protected by the military and paramilitary groups of the territory where it is necessary to meet a series of requirements if you wish to remain, in order to preserve the place in the most virgin way possible, collaborating with the tranquility of the species that in it. he inhabit, many of which are usually endemic .

When visiting a natural park, you cannot camp unless there is a delimited perimeter for this purpose, nor can you make a fire or hunt or disturb the animals that inhabit the territory, or carry out any task that could disturb the tranquility and order of the park. place.

Some examples of nature reserves are Los Alerces National Park (Chubut, Argentina), Sierra Nevada (Andalusia, Spain), La Selva Negra (Germany) and Yugid Va (Komi, Russia).


Natural death occurs from the cessation of biological functions.

non-traumatic death

Finally, it is worth mentioning that in forensic terminology, the concept of natural death refers to the death of a person due to the cessation of the physiological functions that allow the normal functioning of their body. It differs from violent death because it is caused by an accident or some sudden event that stops the functioning of the organs in an unexpected way.

In ancient times this term was widely used, but with the advancement of technology it has evolved into more precise ones. In any case, it can be said that a death is considered natural when there is no identifiable external cause that triggered it.

It is also called this if the reason for death was an illness but the patient has not received medical attention to solve it. For example, if a patient suffers a serious illness and dies at home without the help of any doctor, he or she dies naturally; On the other hand, if said disease is detected and the patient is hospitalized, then the cause of death will be determined by specialists.