What does it mean


Drug sales

The idea of ​​narcoactivity refers to the illegal drug business.

Narcoactivity is a notion that refers to the set of all activities that are linked to the field of prohibited (that is, illegal) drugs and the businesses associated with it. This concept, then, is related to the idea of ​​drug trafficking, which refers to the cultivation, manufacturing, distribution and sale of said substances .

A name that takes the word in question that is formed from the root narco , which has two meanings. On the one hand, it acts as a shortening of the term drug trafficker , which is a person who is dedicated to trafficking narcotics, and on the other hand as a compositional element that comes to mean drugs .

Drug activity constitutes a market of intense power that moves millions of dollars per year. In this world of drugs there are cartels that assume various independent tasks within the framework of the manufacturing and distribution process. The organization and size of these cartels depend on the profitability of the activity they carry out.

Narcoactivity in the world

In this sense, it must be emphasized that there are several countries in the world that have the most drug activity and that have the most functioning cartels. This would be the case, for example, in Colombia , Honduras or Nicaragua where drug trafficking not only moves a lot of money but also generates a wide range of crimes such as murders or settling scores.

Thus, for example, one of the best-known drug trafficking organizations in the world has been the Colombian Medellín cartel , focused on cocaine, which had among its main leaders Pablo Escobar , the Ochoa Brothers and Rodríguez Gacha . All of them figures that become the central axes of this criminal group that began to operate in the 1970s .


Due to the damage that drugs cause to health, drug activity is persecuted throughout the world.

The sale of drugs

The sale of drugs is usually illegal (with the exception of medicinal drugs, which are subject to extensive controls by the State ), since drug addiction is considered to have terrible consequences at a social level (increase in crime and violence statistics, corruption , marginality). For this reason, in most nations the production, distribution and sale of this type of substances is prohibited.

However, as a counterpart to this decision, a huge illegal market for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances has emerged, which produces great economic benefits.

Beginning of drug activity

Drug activity generally begins in underdeveloped countries (in South America , Southeast Asia and the Middle East ), where drugs are grown and processed. The greatest consumption, however, takes place in more powerful countries, especially in the United States and Europe . Drug traffickers are responsible for bringing drugs to consumers around the world, evading the controls established by different governments.

It is important to emphasize that the authorities of many nations have already decided to take action on the matter. And hence, for example, in Guatemala since 2003 there has been a Law against Narcoactivity which establishes the measures that the government must carry out to fight against said criminal act. In this sense, it is determined that it must work not only on control but also on prevention and the relevant sanction of all those who carry it out.