Namaste is a term that comes from Sanskrit. Also mentioned as námaste or namaste , this concept is used in eastern cultures as a greeting , as thanks or to show respect .
Usually, in addition to pronouncing the word, the individual joins his palms at chest level and tilts his head . In this way the expression of namaste usually includes a kind of reverence .
Origin of the concept of namaste
The age of this term is not known exactly, but it is estimated that it is around three millennia old. In short, we could say that it replaces both the "hello" and the "goodbye" in our language and all its variants, since it serves to complement the moment of meeting and saying goodbye between two or more people.
With respect to Sanskrit, it is an Indian language that is among the oldest among those that have been documented, only below Hittite and Mycenaean Greek. Today, it is used in Hinduism , Jainism and Buddhism for rituals and liturgies. Furthermore, it is one of the twenty-two official languages of India .
In the Western world, the notion has gained popularity in recent decades, although with different meanings and uses. It is often used in yoga classes either to greet or as a positive wish.
Different forms of writing
The reason that there are three ways of writing this term in our language is because it was transliterated; That is, we wrote it in such a way that our pronunciation was not so different from the original.
However, since we do not have the same rules as Sanskrit, we cannot read it correctly. This happens with most of the words we receive from Italian, English, Japanese, Portuguese and French, among many other languages .
Some meanings of namaste
Dozens of meanings and connotations are attributed to namasté. There are those who claim that it is a way of communicating with the other, indicating that the ego is left aside and that the divine essence of the individual comes into contact with the divine of the interlocutor.
It is understood that greeting each other through namaste means establishing a deep and genuine bond , without taking into account social, cultural differences, etc. Relating through this word points to the communication of souls.
Even some yoga and meditation gurus and instructors understand namaste as a philosophy of life . Whoever uses it consciously feels part of the universe and in communion with all people, since "we are all one."
Let's see below some of the current meanings of this term:
- «My best part greets you»
- «In God our two souls are reunited»
- "My God see and honor yours"
- "May the God who inhabits you bless you"
- "Knowing that there is good in me assures me that there is also good in you"
- «I see your inner truth and I adore it»
Life in balance
According to the Buddhist writer Eihei Dōgen , born in Japan at the beginning of the 13th century, the path of the Buddha does not decline as long as true reverence exists.
In other words, the secret of a balanced life is found in the absolute recognition of the goodness of others, which we have to honor, leaving aside ulterior motives and selfishness. True reverence originates in the heart and brings us closer to enlightenment of body and mind, the essential goal of Buddhism . Hence the importance given to the notion of namaste.
Namaste as a philosophy of life
As a philosophy of life, the idea of namaste is associated with quite diverse practices and techniques such as mindfulness , tai chi , reiki , aromatherapy and mandala . The term can even be repeated as a mantra .
Understanding the concept as something integral linked to harmony, it is common for those who embrace veganism , follow a vegetarian diet or consume organic foods to resort to the expression of namaste in their daily lives. This is how they manifest their connection with their neighbors, the rest of the living beings and the divinities.
Of course, it is not necessary to materialize the verbal manifestation of namaste to adopt a lifestyle in tune with the aforementioned principles. In other words: it is not necessary for a person to greet with namaste to develop harmonious behavior with nature , animals and gods or other entities of a spiritual nature.
An episode of "Lost"
"Namaste" , on the other hand, is the title of an episode of the TV series "Lost" . This episode premiered in March 2009 .
This is the ninth episode of the fifth season of this proposal created by JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof . “Namaste” was directed by Jack Bender.