Definition of

Street band

Music and theater

The combination of music and theater characterizes the murga.

The murga is an artistic genre that combines music and theater . This name also applies to groups that develop this type of artistic manifestation, which is very common during carnival times and other festivities.

The murgas generally include the performance of songs in chorus, with voices that are accompanied by percussion instruments . These groups also feature dancers who perform characteristic steps of the genre, which include jumps and other acrobatics. For example: “My son participates in the neighborhood murga, playing the snare drum,” “To celebrate the inauguration of the cultural center, we invite a murga,” “Tomorrow there will be a parade of floats and a murga in front of the river.”

The murgas according to the country

The composition of a murga varies according to the cultural tradition of each country. In Argentina , murgas may have jugglers , flamethrowers and other figures. It is common for their shows to take place directly on the street or in squares.

In Uruguay , the murga is characterized by its lyrics with social and political content. It is common for shows to follow a plot and have various characters, who are responsible for singing different events.

Spanish murgas usually appear at carnival as heirs of the chirigotas tradition. Tenerife , Cádiz and Badajoz are some of the very popular cities with murgas.


The performance of the murgas is common at carnival.

Different types of groups

In the Spanish case, within the carnival festival, there are various types of musical groups that are often confused:

  • Street band y joke es el mismo tipo de formación. Uno u otro término se utilizan de manera indiferente para referirse a ese grupo que está compuesto por un mínimo de ocho miembros y un máximo de catorce. Asimismo destaca porque como instrumentos musicales emplea pitos, bombo, platillos o guitarras españolas. Estas últimas son totalmente opcionales.
  • The comparsa , on the other hand, is the group that is made up of between twelve and seventeen members and that sings its compositions with two voices. It also uses instruments such as guitars, bass drums, cymbals and whistles.
  • Choir . The Cádiz Carnival is where this other formation is typical, which is made up of a minimum of 12 people and a maximum of 45 people, ten being orchestra members and the rest voices. Guitars, bandurrias and lutes are the instruments they use.
  • Quartet . Between 3 and 5 people make up this other carnival group that, as a general rule, uses whistles, sticks and occasionally guitars.

Other uses of the term murga

In addition to all the above, we cannot ignore the existence of the expression “dar la murga” . This is a colloquial verbal phrase that is used to refer to the fact that someone is bothering or boring one or more people either through their words or through their actions.

Murga can also be used, in other cases, as a synonym for the word alpechín .

In popular speech, finally, the notion of murga is used to name a group of people who practice some art or activity without any type of organization and, generally, with little talent: “The team was a murga: they defended very badly and attacked ineffectively.”