Definition of



The idea of ​​multiplicity is used in mathematics.

Multiplicity is the quality of multiple or the multitude and excessive abundance of individuals, species or facts . The word has its origins in the Latin term multiplicĭtas .

In the field of mathematics , multiplicity is the number of memberships that a member has in its multiset . The notion of multiplicity is used to count without specifying exceptions.

Multiplicity into prime factors is known as factorization , an algebraic concept that refers to the decomposition of a number into the product of smaller ones, which, when multiplied all together, results in the original number. For example: 60 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5.

Geometric multiplicity and algebraic multiplicity

Continuing in the field of mathematics, we can refer to what is known as geometric multiplicity and algebraic multiplicity .

We can establish that the first term mentioned is defined as being the maximum number that an eigenvalue has associated with what are linearly independent eigenvectors. On the other hand, the second term, that of algebraic multiplicity, we can determine that it is explained as the number of times that an eigenvalue can be repeated acting as the root of a characteristic polynomial .

Hund's rule

And all this without forgetting that in this same field there exists what is known as Hund's multiplicity or Hund's rule . The German physicist Friedrich Hund is the one who gives name to this theory that he himself developed within what is quantum chemistry , which he studied and analyzed so much.

A theory that presents us with a maxim about the fact that when various orbitals are filled with the same energy , what happens is that their corresponding electrons do not cross, that is, they are distributed with what are their parallel spins.


The multiplicity of languages ​​refers to the coexistence of different languages.

Multiplicity of languages

As we said at the beginning of this definition, multiplicity is not limited to numbers . In this sense, it can be noted that the multiplicity of languages ​​refers to the coexistence of different languages ​​in a certain territory.

An example of a multiplicity of languages ​​is Spain , where Spanish , Basque , Galician and Catalan coexist, among other languages ​​and dialects.

However, we do not only find this multiplicity of languages ​​in Spain . There are also many other countries that have the advantage of having this uniqueness that, among other things, has allowed them to establish their own cultural identity .

Diversity of opinions and options

On the other hand, the multiplicity of opinions is linked to freedom of expression and democratic societies. The government of a democratic country must tolerate the multiplicity of opinions, which means that any media can publish editorials and news contrary to the official position.

Finally, it should be noted that the notion of multiplicity of options is very common in everyday language . It is said that there are multiple options when there is a wide variety of proposals to choose from in any subject.