Definition of



A sample can be a representative portion of something.

A sample is a part or portion of a product that allows us to know its quality. For example: "Yesterday I requested a sample of the new perfume they advertise on television" , "They asked me for a sample note for a Mexican magazine", "I need a fabric sample, please" .

The part extracted from a set that is considered a representative portion of it is also called the sample: «86% of Brazilians approve of Lula da Silva's management, according to the survey carried out on a sample of 10,000 people from various social classes . The statistical sample is the subset of individuals in a statistical population. These samples allow us to infer the properties of the entire set.

Sample in colloquial language

In this way, we can also state that there is an expression that is frequently used in colloquial settings. We are referring to sample button. Specifically, we can say that it is used to say that something is working as an example of a thing. A phrase that makes the cited meaning clear is the following: "The singer performed a part of a song so that it served as a sample of all his art."

Sample is also the specimen that must be copied or imitated : "I asked my students to copy the sample drawing in their notebooks," "Please take this sample into account when designing the models."

The indication or sign that demonstrates something and the conventional sign that denotes what is sold in a store are also samples: "The coach's insults are a sample of the social violence that exists in the country," "I don't need another sample of your Part, I already know what kind of people you are .


An art show is an exhibition of artistic objects.

Other uses of the concept

In addition to all of the above, we have to point out the fact that a sample is a term that is used in the military field to refer to the moment of training carried out by troops so that the officials in charge of this carry out the corresponding inspection of them. . Therefore, we can say that sample is synonymous with magazine.

Nor can we forget that there are so-called trade fairs . These are events whose central axis is the exhibition of various products and items to make them known to the public. In this way, not only knowledge of them but also their sale will be encouraged.

All this without overlooking that there is an animal that is named using the term that we are now analyzing. We are referring to a pointing dog . It is a dog that is trained to work in the hunting field. Specifically, what it does is sniff out the prey once it has been killed so that the hunter can see it and catch it.

The art exhibition , finally, is the exhibition or exhibition in a physical space where artistic objects are presented. These exhibitions can present paintings, sculptures, drawings, etc.: "Yesterday I visited an exhibition of African artists that left me amazed."