Definition of

Work motivation

Heart and brain

Work motivation is linked to emotional intelligence.

Work motivation is the willingness of an individual to make efforts in the workplace . It is the stimulation that the subject has to commit to his activity.

The term motivation refers to the set of elements, both internal and external, that influence the development of a human being's actions. Labor , meanwhile, is that which is linked to work: a paid activity.

Characteristics of work motivation

Work motivation is the result of a psychological process that directs the worker's behavior toward the fulfillment of certain objectives. It is determined through the combination of factors that influence the person's commitment and enthusiasm for his or her work.

It is often said that work motivation is associated with the satisfaction generated by effort at work . When one feels that sacrifice and responsibility are rewarded, motivation is maintained or grows. On the other hand, if one thinks that the effort is in vain because there is no recognition of the employee by the employer, work motivation decreases.

It is generally said that work motivation is what drives action. Logic indicates that the worker is always motivated to try to grow in the company, advance in his career development or obtain some kind of benefit. When there are no possibilities for progress or there is no well-being at work, demotivation appears.

Wellbeing at work

Occupational health care contributes to work motivation.

Classification according to type

It is possible to differentiate between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation . Intrinsic work motivation arises from the worker himself and is associated with his internal motives: he enjoys the activity, he identifies with the organizational culture, etc. It has to do with the subject's personality and his emotions.

Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, depends on external influences. The work environment, team dynamics and financial incentives are among the factors that are external to the subject.

It should be noted that all of these variables can be positive or negative for work motivation. There are issues that encourage the growth of motivation and others that have the opposite effect.

There are also analysts who refer to a transcendent motivation . This idea arises from the theory of motivation and need of Maslow , an American psychologist of the twentieth century. For Abraham Maslow , after the satisfaction of basic needs appears the desire for self-realization . In that instance, the person is motivated with the intention of causing a positive impact on his environment or even on humanity in general, which in this case would be possible through his work activity.

Recognition programs

Recognition programs increase employee motivation.

Importance of work motivation

Work motivation is important for both the employee and the company. In the case of the individual, there is a direct link between motivation and job satisfaction .

A motivated employee who enjoys autonomy at work tends to make decisions that benefit both him and the company and is willing to resolve conflicts. This reduces work stress, to name one benefit.

Various studies, on the other hand, reveal that employee motivation is key to the success of the organization . Productivity increases in line with work motivation, while absenteeism falls if employees are motivated.

This reality leads companies to try to maximize the motivation of their human resources. To this end, they usually establish a system of recognition and rewards .

Facilitating work-life balance through flexible work time management and the possibility of remote work is one of the usual strategies. The physical work environment is also taken care of to offer optimal conditions in terms of comfort, tranquility and safety.

Training and development plans to encourage professional growth are another resource for motivating employees. Of course, we cannot forget to mention prizes and financial incentives .

For companies, setting common goals and objectives with employees is essential. There must be constructive feedback and a feedback culture that helps strengthen the relationship.

How to measure it

Employee organizational commitment can be measured in several ways. Daily observation is the simplest method, although it can be difficult to document and analyze. It is a methodology that is usually informal.

Job satisfaction surveys , meanwhile, help gather information provided by employees themselves. They should be anonymous to ensure that responses are honest.

Another possibility is the development of workshops . This type of activity allows managers to carry out an assessment of the situation.

Of course, these techniques are not mutually exclusive. They can be combined and complemented to provide a comprehensive and accurate overview.

Examples of work motivation

Suppose a telephone company pays a 25% commission to each salesperson who closes a deal. This incentive helps increase work motivation: workers know that if they make a sale, they earn more. This reward is complemented by other non-financial benefits, such as wellness programs and assistance in developing work skills.

Let's take the case of a medical emergency company. Employees are constantly under great pressure: that's why mindfulness is promoted at work and workers are trained in relaxation techniques . The aim is to combat stress in order to maintain motivation.

In a media outlet, the editor-in-chief can contribute to job motivation by allowing journalists to manage themselves , showing confidence in the team and encouraging creativity and innovation.