Definition of



Motivation is what drives a person to adopt a certain behavior in pursuit of a goal.

The word motivation is the result of the combination of the Latin words motus (translated as “moved” ) and motio (which means “movement” ). Judging by the meaning attributed to the concept from the field of psychology and philosophy , motivation is based on those things that drive an individual to carry out certain actions and maintain firm behavior until all objectives are met. set objectives.

The notion, furthermore, is associated with will and interest . In other words, motivation can be defined as the will that stimulates making an effort with the purpose of achieving certain goals.

Motivation as a driving force

There are many examples that we could use to express this meaning of the word in question, but one of them could be the following: “Pedro found in the economic incentives that his company offered him the necessary motivation to regain his desire and effort at work. ”.

It should be noted that motivation implies the existence of some need , whether absolute, relative, for pleasure or luxury. When someone is motivated, they consider that what excites them is essential or convenient. Therefore, motivation is the link that makes an action possible in order to satisfy a need.

Maslow's pyramid

In relation to how need influences motivation, it is interesting to emphasize that there is a classic theory, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which precisely makes it clear how there is a pyramidal structure of those that best contribute to motivating. to a person in question.

In this way, at the top of said pyramid would be the needs called self-realization, such as independence or competence. The second step would be occupied by those of esteem such as prestige or recognition. In the middle of the structure would be the social ones, among which are those of acceptance or belonging.

In the fourth position we find security needs, which are security needs, such as stability or avoiding damage of some kind. And finally, in the fifth and last section of said pyramid, the physiological ones such as food or clothing would be located. All of the needs mentioned, established by Maslow, who determined that any of them requires that their lower step be covered in order to be activated. This would mean that a person would only be motivated by social needs if he or she has already covered safety and physiological needs.


Motivation helps you achieve a goal.

Motivation vs. demotivation

There are various factors that drive motivation: rational , emotional , egocentric , altruistic , attraction or rejection , among others.

On the other hand, it must be said that demotivation is a term that covers ideas contrary to motivation. It is defined as a feeling or sensation marked by the absence of hope or anxiety when solving obstacles, which generates dissatisfaction and is evidenced by a decrease in energy and the inability to experience enthusiasm.

The incidence of pessimism

Demotivation is a consequence that is considered normal in people who see their desires limited or not realized for different reasons. In any case, its effects can be prevented.

Demotivation is characterized by the existence of thoughts and ideas with a pessimistic profile and by a state of desperation that is reached after experiencing intense discouragement , which arise as a result of the multiplication of negative experiences (even when these are experiences faced by others). people), and by the feeling of not having the necessary capacity to achieve objectives. Therefore, demotivation can cause significant harmful damage when it appears recurrently and for a long time in a person's life and can even put their health at risk.