Definition of


girl reading

A morality may appear in a story to instill a questionable teaching.

Morality is an imposed or trivial morality . This is a false or exaggerated compliance with the principles of morality .

Superficial teaching

It can be stated that morality appeals to certain norms to make a superficial or petty judgment of human behavior. It is intended to be a teaching or a predicament, although it lacks depth and is inappropriate .

Through the moralina a kind of defense of morality is postulated, but in reality it is a feigned or trivial intention . In practice, the subject is not convinced of what he says or does, or may even do the opposite of what morality orders.

A literary work is said to have morality when its author tries to give a moral lesson in an incoherent, vain or even meaningless way within the framework of his work . Suppose a writer includes an abrupt ending in a novel, where the immoral characters receive an obvious punishment and the good characters a reward. For critics, the book's morality takes away its richness and makes it flatter or more linear.

Rulers are often accused of resorting to morality. There are leaders with speeches that talk about values ​​and ideals but who act far from morality. Thus, they seek to get the population to adopt healthy behaviors following their words while they themselves behave in an unethical manner.

a municipality

Moralina , finally, is the name of a town and a municipality in the Spanish province of Zamora ( Castilla y León ). It has just over two hundred inhabitants and stands out for its biodiversity , which UNESCO protects as an Iberian Plateau under the category of transboundary biosphere reserve (a very valuable space for its ecology that covers two or more countries) and both Castilla and León as the European Union and the Natura 2000 Network as Arribes del Duero in the natural park category.

In other words, there are three groups that protect the biodiversity of Moralina, because its natural wealth is of incalculable importance , both for its fauna and its flora. Some of the bird species, for example, that we can find there are the black stork, the griffon vulture, the Egyptian vulture, the peregrine falcon, the golden eagle, the red-billed chough, the Bonelli's eagle and the eagle owl. Thanks to its beauty and the state of conservation of these lands, tourists who focus on nature do not hesitate to place Moralina among their most desired destinations.

red mulberry

Mulberry, tree that gave its name to the Spanish town of Moralina

Regarding the name of the place, it is due to a traditional way of baptizing towns and cities in the Leon area, which comes from Morus nigra , a tree that used to be planted in various country churches. Regarding the diminutive, it is not due to the size of the plant in said location, but to the range of the population with respect to another one called the same: Moralina is smaller than Moral . Note that the use of references to names of plant species is quite common in the province of Zamora, as we can see in Carbellino, Luelmo and Figueruela , of carballo, elm and fig tree , respectively.

This takes us to the heraldic shield of Moralina, which has represented it since 2001. On one side it displays a Sinople moral with fruits, while on the other there is a hermitage and, below, a bridge over a river. Its flag received official approval the same year. Of the 263 people who lived in this town at the end of 2018, the proportion of women and men was practically even, although historically there have always been more men. Finally, since the beginning of the millennium, the population has decreased by more than 30 percent.