Misogyny is a term that refers to the rejection of the female gender . Misogynists, therefore, are aggressive towards women .
Before moving forward, we must determine the etymological origin of the term. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Greek, specifically from misogyny . This, in turn, comes from the word misogynos , which was formed from the sum of two lexical components: the noun misos , which can be translated as "hate" , and the noun gyné , which is synonymous with "woman" .
It is curious to establish that in the 5th century there was a Greek figure, called Stobeus , who determined that misogyny was a disease. Specifically, he chose to indicate that all those men who were not able to enjoy sexual relations with a woman suffered from it.
Misogyny can be considered a problem with cultural roots. Throughout history , men subjugated women in multiple ways and thus patriarchal societies developed. This domain was transmitted from generation to generation, both through concrete facts and symbolic elements.
Expression of misogyny
Misogyny is expressed in various ways. In milder cases, it is reflected in derogatory or discriminatory comments , sometimes camouflaged as jokes. However, misogyny can lead to violence and even murder .
Sexism and prejudice , in this framework, are the pillars of misogyny. Those who feel aversion towards women tend to place them on a lower level than men , which is why the male subject - under this conception - has the "right" to impose himself.
Considering that women are not qualified to drive cars or play soccer, or limiting their role to cooking and cleaning, are typical examples of misogyny. Misogynists also tend to objectify women and take them as property , without autonomy or decision-making power. Taken to an extreme, misogyny can end in femicide or feminicide : a crime of machismo .
In the workplace, there are often clear examples of misogyny. Thus, it is established that it becomes palpable when what is feminine leadership is rejected, when sexual harassment occurs, when there is clear discrimination in the salary of women with respect to men and even when a woman is fired. for getting pregnant.
Sexist acts in different contexts
Patriarchy , understood as male privilege in various situations, appears in different contexts. Women's rights are violated in many areas where gender equality does not exist and female empowerment is far from being a reality.
Sexist behavior, as we already indicated, can reach extremes such as sexual assault or rape , considered crimes. Female genital mutilation, the gender pay gap, sexual objectification and street harassment are other examples of patriarchy.
Misogyny, of course, also appears in the home. Domestic violence , partner abuse and emotional abuse are among the situations that many women suffer in their own home.
Beyond the home, members of the female gender suffer contempt in public life. That is why the participation of women in politics is limited compared to what happens with men. All we need to do is analyze how long it took for women's suffrage to be established in most countries.
Misogyny and gender stereotypes
Despite the obvious severity of direct violence, misogyny also affects other levels through gender stereotypes . The conception of female beauty and the pressure exerted by gender roles lead many women to suffer various types of problems.
Unlike what happens with men, or at least to a lesser extent, women are required to meet certain standards of beauty . Those who do not fit with what is demanded by fashion and society in general are encouraged to adopt different types of measures to avoid discrimination, from undergoing strict diets to the practice of cosmetic surgery to correct "defects" .
In some cases, this misogyny reflected in social pressure causes body image disorders. Anorexia and bulimia , for example, are common diseases in women.
The view of the philosophers
Multiple philosophers have analyzed misogyny from different points of view, and quite a few thinkers have even been accused of being misogynistic. Many intellectuals, on the other hand, find traces of misogyny in the predominant religions worldwide.
Among the figures who throughout history have been accused of misogyny, the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer can be named, who went so far as to say: «Only the appearance of a woman reveals that she is not destined for great works of intelligence nor for the great material works .
Likewise, we cannot ignore that "Misogyny" is the title of a work by the Greek comedian Meander (342 - 292 BC).