Definition of


professional microscope

Microscopic things can only be seen through a microscope.

The adjective microscopic is used with reference to that linked to the microscope . A microscope, meanwhile, is the device used to observe those tiny elements that are impossible to see with the naked eye .

Visible through microscope

Generally the idea of ​​microscopic refers to what is so small that it can only be perceived through a microscope or to what is done by appealing to this instrument . For example: “A microscopic nematode is responsible for the disease that is affecting thousands of people in the south of the country” , “My aunt is a renowned scientist who works analyzing microscopic particles in a laboratory” , “A microscopic study of "Objects found allowed us to determine their age ."

Microorganisms or microbes can be classified as microscopic: it is impossible to see them without a microscope. Viruses and bacteria , in this framework, are microbes that can act as infectious agents, causing various damages to the infected organism. As they are microscopic, detecting the presence of these microorganisms is not simple, but specific studies must be performed or symptoms analyzed.


Microorganisms are living beings or biological systems (complex networks of entities whose existence is relevant to biology and are organized into structures that adapt to their specific needs). They are unicellular, and their organization is much less complex than that of animals or plants. For the study of these very small individuals, there is microbiology , a science that is closely linked to the microscope since it does not analyze beings perceptible through the human eye.

It is important to note that the term microorganism does not speak of phylogenetic issues (the relationships between species that group them into families) or taxonomic issues (classification according to a hierarchical order), but refers to the microscopic nature of beings. In fact, under this label we find organisms that have no evolutionary relationship with each other, such as microscopic algae, protozoa, microscopic fungi, archaea and bacteria.


Bacteria are so small that their size is measured in micrometers , one-thousandth of a millimeter. The largest ones do not usually exceed 5 micrometers in length. They can have different shapes, such as spheres, curved filaments and bars. They are prokaryotic cells, so they do not have a defined nucleus nor do they usually have internal organelles. They typically have a cell wall composed of murein , a copolymer also known as peptidoglycan . It is worth mentioning that these are the most common organisms on Earth and that they inhabit all environments, in the most extreme temperatures and conditions.


Bacteria are microscopic organisms.


Viruses are acellular, that is, they do not have cells; In fact, to replicate they need to be inside a foreign cell. It is made up of genes that have nucleic acids and proteins. When they cause an infection, these genes force their host to synthesize acids and proteins to reproduce. We are all exposed to virus infections, from animals to bacteria, plants and fungi. Within microbiology there is virology , the branch dedicated to the study of viruses.

Microscopic and macroscopic

It is common to differentiate between the microscopic level and the macroscopic level . At the microscopic level, phenomena develop on scales that are not perceptible to the naked eye. Therefore, to observe them, you need to use a microscope that forms images much larger than the object in question. What is carried out at a macroscopic level, on the other hand, can be seen directly with the eyes , without using a device that enlarges the image.