Definition of



Merit can be recognized in different ways.

Merit is the action that makes a person worthy of a reward or punishment . The term, from the Latin merĭtum , refers to that which justifies recognition or an achievement or that explains a failure .

For example: “The Córdoba striker has earned enough merit to be taken into account by the national team coach,” “Buying a luxury car before a house does not seem like a merit to me,” “If you want to reach management, you have “You have to have merits that justify your promotion” , “I congratulate you, you earned the trust of your colleagues by your own merit” .

Merit and appreciation

Merit can be understood as the result of a person's good actions . Merit, in this sense, makes the subject worthy of appreciation. Talent, effort, professional success and solidarity are some worthy issues.

On the other hand, triumphing through the favor of other people , cheating, deception and selfishness are not considered aspects of merit, even when the subject manages to meet his or her objectives or transcend thanks to these resources.

a value

Merit is also that which gives value to actions or things. Completing a university degree and achieving a professional degree is always something meritorious, but if the person who achieves it also works and supports a family, the achievement has even more merit.

In a similar sense, a soccer team that becomes champion of a tournament has great merit, although the merit will be more prominent if said team has one of the lowest budgets in the championship.


Progressing thanks to hard work is a merit.

"Make merit"

It is also important to establish that there are different expressions or phrases that we use within our usual language and that aim to incorporate the word at hand. This would be the case of the adverbial phrase “make merit” , which is usually used to record that someone is working or carrying out certain actions with the clear purpose of being able to achieve the objective that has been set.

Examples of this meaning would be the following phrases: “The student was pushing himself harder every day, he was making merits to become the teacher's favorite,” “Juan gave María some present every day because he considered that making merits was a way to win her heart."

an award

Among the awards that recognize merit, we would have to highlight that within the universities of Spain there is what is called Mention towards Excellence . This is a special recognition that is granted either to certain professionals in that area or to programs and initiatives that, due to their innovative proposals or results, deserve to be praised.

Within the field of social networks, it is also common to use the term mention. In its case, it is used to make it clear that one of those users has cited or named another within the messages they have written within their profile.