Definition of

Crust of bread

Although there are different theories about the etymological origin of the term mendrugo that concerns us now, we have to state that the one that is most relevant is the one that indicates that it derives from Andalusian Arabic. Specifically, it states that it comes from “mâtruq”, which can be translated as “marked”, “crushed”, “touched” and even “broken bread”.

A crust is a piece of leftover or stale bread . It is a discarded piece, which was not consumed and is not consumed with the rest of the product .

Crust of breadThe crusts, in this way, are remains or crumbs of bread. For example: “The man sat on a bench in the square and began to throw crusts to the pigeons to feed them,” “The children were hungry, there were not even crusts left,” “At the time of the war there was so much poverty.” that each crust was enjoyed as a delicacy.”

On many occasions, the crusts of bread left at home are used to prepare such exquisite recipes as gazpacho, salmorejo and even the famous migas. All of these dishes are among the most traditional and exquisite culinary proposals of Spanish cuisine.

In ancient times, crusts were associated with bread that was given as alms to the poor . The crusts were the leftovers, what the wealthiest did not consume and were given to the most needy.

Also, in colloquial language , the concept of a crusty is used to refer to a foolish or crude individual , with difficulties in understanding: “That crusty never knows anything,” “The owner of the company is a crusty person who does not understand how this works.” business” , “Are you a rag or what? Pay more attention so you learn to use this tool once and for all!” .

Starting from all the meanings presented, we have to establish that among the words that can act as synonyms for mendrugo are cuscurro, corrusco, zoquete, fool, clumsy, tarugo or zote.

“Los mendrugos” , on the other hand, is the title of a comic strip that was published between 1990 and 2003 in “El Jueves” , a Spanish weekly. The series was collected in two books.

In the same way, we cannot ignore that Mendrugo is the name of a singer-songwriter originally from the Cordoba town of Montilla (Spain). He plays the guitar, has been a finalist in different festivals and competitions and has even participated in very significant musical events such as the Campiña Rock Festival. He has two albums on the market: “Stereotipos” and “12 volts”.

Likewise, Mendrugo was also how a famous Formentera chef was known, whose real name was Toni Planells. Specifically, he was from Ibiza and became known throughout Spain for the exquisite fish dishes he prepared, which other renowned chefs such as Juan Mari Arzak loved.

La Casa del Mendrugo , meanwhile, is a historic construction located in the old town of the Mexican city of Puebla . It currently functions as a museum and also has a restaurant and a cafe.