Definition of



Meditation is associated with deep reflection and concentration.

Meditation is the action and effect of meditating (carefully focusing thought on the consideration of something). The concept, which comes from the Latin meditatĭo, is associated with concentration and deep reflection .

For example: "I recommend that you dedicate a few days to meditating on the topics that I mentioned to you," "After a long meditation, I have come to the conclusion that it is best to resign from the company."

Meditation in religion and spirituality

The notion of meditation is common in religion and spirituality . It is a practice that consists of concentrating attention on a thought, an external object or one's own consciousness.

Buddhism, Judaism and Islam are some of the religions that do not hesitate to have meditation as one of their main pillars.

Benefits of the practice

There are various forms of meditation, from religious to therapeutic . Various studies ensure that meditation techniques can help strengthen memory, improve concentration and strengthen health .

However, there are many other benefits that the practice of meditation brings to any human being. In this sense, we would have to highlight that it allows us to significantly reduce stress levels, puts an end to anxiety and, in addition to all this, becomes a great tool to end depression.

Various studies carried out in recent years by researchers have reached this conclusion, in which it has also been determined that no less relevant is the fact that meditation is very useful for all those people who suffer from diseases such as fibromyalgia or insomnia.

Therefore, it is recommended that anyone suffering from one of the aforementioned pathologies choose to meditate for at least half an hour every day. You will soon be able to perceive the benefits that this action produces and also the improvement you experience in your state of health.


Meditation is important in yoga.

Meditation Classification

In addition to all the above, we would also have to add the fact that, as a general rule, meditation is usually classified into two large groups.

Thus, on the one hand, there is the call of full consciousness , which revolves around issues such as experience and one's own perception. On the other hand, there is what is known as concentration meditation .

Other issues to consider

For Buddhism , meditation is an essential practice for increasing wisdom and eradicating suffering. Beyond the different techniques and schools, the usual thing when it comes to meditation is to find a quiet place, sit in the lotus position and repeat a mantra that takes the subject to a state of deep concentration.

Meditation also helps with autosuggestion , which is a mental process through which the person trains their subconscious to establish a mental association or to convince themselves of some issue.

Another use of meditation is to promote introspection (the knowledge that an individual has about their own mental states), which allows automatism to be interrupted.