Definition of



Abuse can encompass different types of attacks.

The first thing we are going to do is determine the etymological origin of the term abuse that concerns us now. When we do so we discover that it is a word that emanates from Latin, since it is made up of the sum of three Latin parts: male , which is synonymous with "evil"; the verbtreate , which can be translated as "treat"; and the suffix – tro , which is equivalent to "receive the action."

Abuse is the action and effect of mistreating (treating a person badly, undermining, spoiling). The concept is linked to a form of aggression within the framework of a relationship between two or more people. For example: "The young man left the police station with signs of abuse" , "Juana separated due to the continuous abuse she received from her husband" , "The woman, fed up with the abuse, could no longer tolerate the situation and shot him eight times." to your partner .

Insults, beatings and other forms of abuse

There is no single and precise definition of abuse, since its characteristics depend on the context . Abuse can range from an occasional insult to a salesperson whom the abuser does not even know to the daily beatings that an abuser inflicts on his wife.

Specifically, experts on abuse issues establish that it can be physical, sexual and even emotional. The latter, for example, can be carried out by the abuser either through intimidation or through fear, degradation of the other person, indifference, seclusion or rejection.

Among the many symptoms that indicate that a person is being a victim of psychological abuse are isolation from family or friends, averted gaze, low self-esteem, poor communication skills, feelings of guilt or shame. and even social and personal neglect.

From the spontaneous situation to the everyday problem

The mildest abuse is that which occurs in a spontaneous or sporadic situation and is usually related to lack of respect and verbal aggression. A person who enters a store to buy and ends up arguing and insulting the seller will be mistreating him. These types of situations usually end abruptly and without major consequences.

When abuse is daily, however, it is much more serious, since it can leave physical and psychological marks on the victim . Child abuse or gender violence that occurs within a family is a very important social problem that even causes numerous fatalities. Generally, although not exclusively, the abuser is usually the man of the house, who uses and abuses his physical force against the woman and children.

stray dog

There are dogs and other animals that are victims of abuse.

animal abuse

It is also important to establish that there is also what is known as animal abuse. This, as its name indicates, encompasses all those actions that are undertaken with the clear objective of causing harm to any animal, usually dogs.

Beatings, not providing the basic care necessary to survive, mutilations or deaths are some of the forms that fall within this aforementioned typology.