Definition of


Lean meat

Lean meat has a lower percentage of fat

The term lean comes from the Latin word macer . The first meaning mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to that which lacks fatness (unctuous or greasy substance) or that is thin .

Some examples

For example: “The nutritionist suggested that I opt for lean foods so as not to have problems with cholesterol,” “The footballer was surprised when he returned from his injury with a more muscular and lean physique,” ​​“Over the years I was losing my body.” lean.”

Cholesterol is one of the most abundant concepts in the field of healthy eating, and it is not uncommon for nutrition experts to tell their patients to abstain from fat to control their values. The following two examples use the term lean to give the idea of ​​a worked body, without fat.

The notion of lean can have a symbolic use. In this case, it refers to something that does not have abundance or depth , or that is scarce : “The team's points harvest in the second round of the tournament was meager,” “The meager growth of the economy disappointed analysts,” “Due to the low flow of the stream, it is impossible to fish these days.”

Here we can see that the meaning of the word lean is negative, although in the context of the human body it denotes a good state of health : being thin is positive, but a lean score, growth or flow rate is too low, it is not satisfactory.

Lean meat

Lean meat , on the other hand, does not have nerves or fat. That is why it is considered healthier than meat with a high level of fat.

Lean meats have the advantage of offering proteins with a limited percentage of fat and calories. Chicken breast , beef tenderloin , and sole , to name a few options, are lean foods. Also, in colloquial language, the pork meat found next to the loin and which is characterized by having little fat is called lean .

Both in weight loss diets and in the advice generally given by experts, lean meat frequently appears as the best way to consume it. Of course, there are many people who enjoy the taste of fat, and in fact, as long as it is not eaten in excess , it does not always have tangible consequences, such as negative changes in the body or being overweight .

The river of the same name

The Magro River , finally, is located in the Valencian Community ( Spain ). This tributary of the Júcar River has a course that extends nearly 130 kilometers .

Lean body

Getting a lean body requires great dedication

Along its route, we can observe its three basins, the upper, the middle and the lower , each with its own well-defined characteristics. In the first we noticed a kind of valley of great width and with a relatively low slope. There is also a tectonic depression in a southerly direction that merges with that of Ayora , which has the Júcar River to the north.

Then we reach its middle basin , where there is a marked slope but in the shape of a staircase. In some of its segments, the embedded meanders disappear briefly to give rise to small alluvial plains that are frequently used to irrigate agricultural farms in the area.

The lower basin begins in the municipality of Llombay , where it expands into a wide valley with a very wide channel (up to 289 meters). This last property responds to the erosion power that the Magro River has, as well as the accumulation it makes when it reaches the lower part, where it becomes slower and its force of dragging sediments decreases.