Definition of



Maturity is a certain state that fruits reach.

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) indicates three uses of the term maturity: a certain state of the fruits ; prudent or sensible judgment ; and the age of an individual who fully enjoys his or her abilities and who has not yet reached old age.

For example: "These apples have not yet reached maturity" , "You have to act maturely, you can't argue with all your colleagues" , "I would like to reach maturity with an academic degree and a well-paid job" .

Maturity of the human being

Maturity, in human beings, can be associated at a biological level with the development and full functioning of the sexual organs. For psychology , however, there is no age that ensures having achieved emotional maturity .

Specifically, when we talk about emotional maturity we are referring to the fact that a person in question has a thought and behavior, both about himself and the rest of the environment, that unquestionably distance him from any type of attitude that can be defined. as childish.

In this sense, the main signs that a person is mature are that he tolerates criticism and analyzes and studies it to improve, that he knows how to control his temper attacks, that he always accepts the consequences of his actions without sheltering or justifying himself with excuses, which establishes that nothing is black or white because there is always a middle ground or that it has overcome the phase of envy and jealousy of others.

However, they are not the only signs of identity that are used to consider that a person already enjoys maturity. Thus, for example, it is also established that among his virtues must be found that he listens in a thoughtful and tolerant manner to the opinions of other people, that he does not continually look for defects in others, that he does not worry unnecessarily. of the things that he cannot control or remedy or that he does not become illogically impatient with.


Lack of maturity means that a person cannot yet take care of themselves and their responsibilities .

Take charge of yourself

A person can take care of himself thanks to a process that begins in adolescence and continues until death. In each individual the process develops differently; All subjects, on the other hand, need some type of support or support beyond their maturity.

Maturity, therefore, transcends a chronological period and is linked to an attitude and a state of mind . A person may even mature in certain aspects of their personality but not in others.

Characteristics of maturity

There are several characteristics that are established that those people who already have maturity must have. In this sense, it is determined that temperance, strength, patience, perseverance, sincerity, prudence, charity or generosity will be highly valued qualities.

Fears, certain sentimental ties that produce dependency, and the lack of acceptance of one's own characteristics are signs of immaturity . The mature person, on the other hand, is one who thinks, decides and acts for themselves, in a coherent and convincing manner and avoiding contradictions.