Definition of


FireThe term lumbre , which derives from the Latin word lumen , has more than a dozen meanings in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). The first meaning refers to a combustible material that is ignited .

A fire that is lit for the purpose of cooking or heating is also called a fire, and the light emitted by a body that is in combustion. For example: "When I woke up, I found myself surrounded by the fire" , "The fire that the young people had lit to keep warm got out of control and ended up causing a fire in the forest" , "We roasted the meat on the fire and then shared some sweets" .

As you can see, fire is used as a synonym for bonfire , bonfire , pyre or hearth . In all cases reference is made to the fire lit and maintained voluntarily.

The fire, in this framework, can be used to cook food or to combat the cold . It is also used for ritual purposes (such as in the Festival of San Juan ).

Other names by which the Festival of San Juan is known are San Juan night and San Juan eve . It focuses on the birth of Saint John the Baptist and is celebrated on June 24. It is important to note that for certain theologians, this festival is associated with a pagan origin. One of its fundamental elements is the light.

In ancient times, on the other hand, burning was a very cruel method of execution : the condemned person was burned alive.

In a symbolic sense, brilliance or splendor is called light: «South American light: Lionel Messi and Luis Suárez gave Barcelona the victory in the classic against Real Madrid» , «As the concert progressed, the singer was losing her light: by the end, the problems in her voice were already noticeable" , "The model's light dazzled everyone present at the party."

As mentioned at the beginning, this term has many meanings, which is why we will see other of them below. For example, it can be used to designate the front face of a horseshoe. In a flintlock gun (a type of firearm ), the portion of the rake that strikes the flint is called the "flash."

When used in the plural, the group of tinder, flint and link that is used precisely to light the fire known as a "light" is called "lights." On the other hand we have three meanings that have fallen into disuse: the sense of sight; the light of reason (the knowledge we access naturally by being rational); doctrine, news, illustration.

FireIn addition to these meanings, the RAE dictionary offers us various expressions that include the term "light", which we quote below:

* water depth : it is the surface of the water;

* by light of straws : it is a colloquial adverbial phrase that is used to denote the short duration and brevity of something;

* a gentle fire : another adverbial phrase, in this one a synonym for "on a slow fire";

* give light : it is a verbal phrase that has three meanings. On the one hand, it describes the dispersion of sparks that occurs in the flint when it is struck by the link or rake. It can also be "obtaining the objective sought with a certain dissimulation." Finally, it can mean "giving a smoker an instrument to light his fire";

* throw flames : appear extremely furious and angry or make threats in a violent and sudden manner;

* not even by fire : in no way;

* be the light in someone's eyes : said of a living being or a thing, when it is very loved or esteemed by someone.