Definition of


LoftIf we look for the word loft in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), we will not find it. The term, in any case, is frequently used in our language to name an environment without divisions .

A loft, therefore, is a large space that has no or few divisions . These are generally bright places with large windows to allow the sun's rays to enter.

The first lofts date back to the 1950s in New York . There, given the high price of apartments (apartments), industrial warehouses and factories began to be used as homes . At first it was a spontaneous decision, although little by little these buildings began to be adapted and restored as houses or as headquarters of different types of businesses (shops, restaurants, etc.).

Thus, lofts became a new type of building, characterized by large dimensions and luminosity. Unlike conventional property divisions that are divided into different rooms (kitchen, bedroom, dining room), lofts are based on a single large space.

The absence of internal doors and minimalist decoration are other characteristics of lofts, which are usually chosen by artists and young people thanks to the feeling of freedom they provide.

Having said all this, one of the key points of the loft as an interior design concept is the spaciousness or, at least, the feeling of spaciousness of the environment. It is very common in certain modern offices dedicated to the development of software and video games, among other products for which creative freedom is essential.

By eliminating the oppression typical of traditional offices, where subdivisions and small spaces reign, the loft gives workers a degree of relaxation and confidence similar to that they feel in their own homes, as if they were carrying out a project. project with your friends.

Let's see below a very detailed list of the premises that we must take into account to convert an apartment into an authentic loft:

* It must have a minimalist style, so that the finishes must match the materials used for the construction itself, unlike ornate environments with many elements. Additionally, these materials must be inexpensive;

* the absence of walls, a point that cannot be overemphasized;

* furniture must be functional but without sacrificing comfort to achieve this goal;

* ceilings should be considerably high or, if this is not possible, give the impression of greater height through finishing;

Loft* There should not be traditional doors but rather sliding ones, although only if they are really necessary, since changes in level, colors and textures are recommended to divide the space into portions;

* in a loft, rigid frames should be used as the main construction system;

* It must be very bright naturally, for which it is essential to have large windows. In some cases, the presence of large mirrors strategically located with the aim of redirecting sunlight helps;

* the luminosity of the materials of the walls, ceiling and floor is also important so that the loft depends as little as possible on electric light;

* Given the activities that typically take place in a loft, its appearance should be industrial to inspire continuity of work and productivity .

“Loft” , on the other hand, is the title of two films : a Japanese horror film released in 2005 and a Belgian thriller that was released in 2008 . Finally, Loft is the name of a German electronic music band.