Definition of


Praiseworthy hospital

An artist who performs for free in hospitals

The concept of praiseworthy comes from the Latin word laudabĭlis . It is an adjective that allows us to refer to someone worthy of praise . The second meaning mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy defines it as a feminine noun: a soft drink that in certain universities was given because of a literary function or a degree.

Some examples

For example: “I think the president has been making a laudable effort to reduce poverty throughout the country,” “My neighbor is promoting a laudable initiative , based on feeding the neighborhood's stray dogs and trying to find them a home,” “ It is commendable that you want to finish school at this age, count on me for whatever you need.”

Take the case of an artist who spends his free time touring hospitals and nursing homes to entertain people. This individual offers free shows with the intention that the public has a fun time and forgets about their problems. It can be said, therefore, that he carries out a laudable action .

Suppose that the owner of a company , grateful to the society that allowed him to prosper, decides to invest 30% of his company's monthly profits in works of public good . Thanks to this laudable gesture , it finances the construction of a cultural center, beautifies green spaces for community use and finances the operation of a dining room where needy children are fed.


This term is not widely used in everyday speech, but we usually find it in written language and the media of a certain seriousness. In a relatively informal conversation, on the other hand, it is more common to adjective someone who meets these characteristics with the word admirable .

On the other hand, below we will mention some of its most appropriate synonyms to replace it with the greatest possible precision: laudable, praiseworthy, commendable and plausible . It is important not to confuse the latter with possible , since this error is quite common in everyday speech and on the Internet.

The term plausible indicates that a person or an event deserves to be applauded . In fact, it originated in the Latin plausibilis , which was derived from the verb that translates as "to clap." Etymology helps us distinguish the most similar words; In fact, homographs are written and pronounced the same but have different origins and meanings.

What is praiseworthy, in short, deserves applause, praise and exaltation. Their merits or qualities are notable and arouse admiration and recognition from other people.

Praiseworthy dog

Someone who cares for and feeds homeless dogs


The opposite of what is praiseworthy is what is blameworthy, blameworthy or condemnable . That someone offers for sale a supposed cure for cancer , which in reality has no therapeutic effect, is not praiseworthy, but quite the opposite: reprehensible, regrettable, etc.

If we refer to the examples presented above, we can try to express the opposite meaning to accentuate the nuances of the word praiseworthy . A president who leads his country to economic ruin, a neighbor who leaves poisoned food to get rid of the homeless dogs in his neighborhood or someone who gives up in the face of school failure are not worthy of praise . Of course, the latter is not condemnable either, but simply does not make an effort that deserves the admiration of others .

Then we have the artist who entertains the people who need it most without profit and the businessman who shares his profits with his people as a way of gratitude . If the first focused on money and sold his show, refusing to perform without payment, or the second overexploited his land and polluted the air, they would be at the opposite end of what we can consider praiseworthy. We could even say that they are despicable .