Definition of


In order to discover the meaning of the term crying, it is necessary, first of all, to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it derives from Latin, exactly from "planctus." This is a word that, in turn, derives from the verb "plangere", which is synonymous with "cry".

Crying is the shedding of tears that generally takes place along with sobbing and moaning .

CryingFor example: "When he heard the news, the man burst into tears" , "The girl's crying moved everyone present" , "The police officer did not pay attention to the young man's crying and put handcuffs on him to take him to the police station" .

Among the synonyms of crying we find terms such as cry, sob , whimper, heartbreak, llorera or tantrum. On the contrary, among its antonyms there are words such as joy, laughter or jubilation, among others.

Crying is a consequence of a certain emotional state . Although a person usually cries (that is, sheds tears) when they feel sad or experience great pain, they can also do so when they are moved or even when they are very happy.

It is believed that crying provides certain benefits to the individual, although scientific proof of these effects is not clear. In any case, it is common that, after several minutes of crying, the subject feels relieved , without so much stress .

Specifically, among the benefits that stand out from crying are that it relieves pain, that it improves your sense of humor, that it has a marked calming effect and even that it improves vision.

However, other advantages are also highlighted, such as helping to keep the eyes clean by eliminating any bacteria they may have, releasing toxins and helping to fall asleep.

The frequency and characteristics of crying depend on each human being but are influenced by social and cultural reasons. Traditionally, a woman's crying is accepted, while a man who cries is questioned. This particularity is due to the gender roles assigned by society, which in recent years have been debated.

Because it is considered a symptom of anguish and sadness, crying is a cause for alarm. If there is someone crying on the street, it is usual for the rest of the people to approach them and ask them what is happening to them and if there is any way to help them.

Baby crying, on the other hand, is one of the things that worries parents the most. And that whining becomes the means he has to express himself. Therefore, adults must discover if it is because he is hungry, because his diaper needs to be changed, because he is sleepy, or because he is sick.

In addition to everything indicated, we cannot ignore the existence of songs that have the term in question in their titles. This would be the case, for example, of "Llanto militar", which is performed by Rómulo Caicedo, or "Llanto de passion", which is a song by the Spanish group El Ultimo de la Fila.