Definition of



Cleaning usually consists of removing dirt.

Cleaning is the action and effect of cleaning (removing dirt, imperfections or defects from something; removing dry leaves or pods from vegetables and legumes; making a place free of what is harmful to it).

For example: “I finish tidying up the kitchen and I dedicate myself to cleaning the bathroom,” “The government should take care of cleaning the beaches,” “Cleaning the chard takes a long time.”

The term also refers to the quality of cleanliness : “I congratulate you: the cleanliness of the house is amazing,” “Although this boy is not known for his cleanliness and neatness, the truth is that he works very well,” “Thanks to this plan environmentalist, the town can once again show off its cleanliness.”

Cleanliness as synonymous with hygiene

Cleanliness can be associated with hygiene (the techniques people apply to clean their bodies and control factors that can have a negative effect on health ). Through cleaning and hygiene, we seek to eliminate microorganisms from the skin and objects that are in contact with humans.

Cleaning products are those that help remove dirt, such as detergent, bleach, ammonia or soap. Cleaning utensils , on the other hand, are the tools and devices that allow you to clean a surface (broom, brush, sponge, duster, etc.).


Taking care of the cleanliness of the kitchen is essential to avoid poisoning associated with the preparation and consumption of food.

Importance in technological products

At first glance, the word cleanliness is usually associated with the house, public roads or any environment or establishment in which an activity is carried out, or with body hygiene and washing clothes. However, current work activities include in a large percentage of cases a computer or some similar electronic device, such as a tablet PC, and these devices also require maintenance to prevent dirt from negatively affecting them.

Computers must be kept within a thermal range in which they can function correctly; To do this, the tower, also called box and casing (structure that contains all the internal components, such as the main processor and the video card) has a series of ventilation holes that, together with the action of the fans, allow change the air constantly to oppose the inevitable tendency of components to overheat.

If these holes are clogged, the life of the computer is endangered, and that is why it is essential to carry out internal and external cleaning with some regularity. On the other hand, it is also ideal that keyboards and mice receive frequent maintenance, since they are in direct contact with the skin .

Cleanliness as precision

In another sense, cleanliness is known as the precision with which something is executed and the integrity in business or in the game : “The team stands out for its cleanliness: it did not have anyone expelled in the entire tournament.”

To say that the execution of a piano piece has been very clean means that no false notes have been played (those that do not correspond to the writing of the composition, either because they do not belong to the key of the specific moment in which they are executed. or because they should not have been played at that point), that the rhythm has been respected and that it has clearly transmitted the message(s) printed by its composer.

To achieve that level of cleanliness in a performance, it is necessary to practice each part of the piece very conscientiously, and this process can take days, months or years, depending on its complexity. The complete work can only be understood once it has been broken down into small parts and each one of them has been carefully analyzed, trying to discover its intentions, its reason for being, its meaning within the context to which it belongs.