Definition of


DullThe adjective slow is used to describe someone who moves slowly and clumsily . The term also refers to someone who takes a while to understand or do something .

For example: "The opposing team's defenders are slow, so our forwards have to take advantage of their speed to create dangerous situations" , "I'm quite slow, at school I had a lot of difficulty passing certain subjects" , "Don't be slow and Finish getting ready soon, the visitors are about to arrive .

The adjective "slow" has to do with the time it takes to complete an action . Suppose that it usually takes a person between three and five minutes to prepare a sandwich. If it takes someone half an hour to make a single sandwich, they can be said to be very slow, at least when it comes to that activity.

Likewise, a dull person may have to read a text four times to understand it, while most people understand it on the first reading. The dullard must invest more time to achieve his objective .

Usually the idea of ​​stupid arises from a comparison . In a motorsports race, if almost all the participants complete a turn in just under two minutes, but one of them always takes more than four minutes, that racer can be said to be the slowest.

Needless to say, no one likes to be called this way, although there are various degrees to which this adjective can be used to soften its impact on the recipient. For example, it is not the same to tell someone "Don't worry, even though you are a bit stupid, you are my favorite friend" than "With someone as stupid as you at the helm, the company would go bankrupt in less than a week."

Although for cultural reasons mental speed seems to be a virtue desired by everyone, calmer people do not always regret taking more time to solve problems and may even be bothered by the euphoria caused by less patient people.

DullTherefore, being the slowest in a group should not be considered a negative thing or cause pity from others; Everyone has their own abilities, strengths and weaknesses and you should not allow your environment to rely on these differences to hurt you. Furthermore, as is often the case with other topics, someone who makes fun of someone by calling them "dumb" probably feels a very deep fear of being like them or of being called that by others.

This leads us to the fear of being one way or another, which arises from social impositions and preconceptions. We are taught that being dull is a negative thing, and we are taught to fear this and other characteristics that deviate from " normality ." This is the line that separates us and confronts us with human beings, that set of traits considered socially acceptable that leaves out so many, simply by not bringing them all together but without asking if they have something equally good or even better to contribute.

The individual who is called dull may have difficulty following a lesson at school, completing a task on time, or finding his way around a new environment, but none of these situations harm other people. For this reason alone we should not use this characteristic of his personality to mock him but simply accept it like any other, with respect.

Ciudad Lerdo , on the other hand, is a Mexican town located in the state of Durango . It is the seat of the municipality of Lerdo , which has more than 140,000 inhabitants.