Definition of



The signs of a language are usually expressed through a writing system.

Language is the set of signs and sounds that human beings have used, from their creation to the present day, to be able to communicate with other individuals of the same species to whom they express both what they feel and what they think about a given situation. certain question.

It is always interesting, before moving forward with the meaning of the word, to carry out a little research to find its etymological origin. Specifically, if we do the same with the term that concerns us now, we will find that this origin resides in the Provençal language and more specifically in the concept idiomatge . However, this in turn comes from the Latin word lingua .

A communicative resource

The concept of language can be understood as a resource that makes communication possible. In the case of human beings, this tool is extremely developed and is much more advanced than in other animal species, since it is a process with physiological and psychological roots. Language, as many of you know, gives man the possibility of selecting, citing, coordinating and combining concepts of varying complexity.

However, to all this we must add the fact that there are many forms of language. Regarding the classification that could be made based on the way a man or a woman expresses themselves, we can say that there is both cultured language and rude language , colloquial language or even technical language , which depend on the communicative style or method . elected.

Dimensions of language

A technical separation allows us to recognize three dimensions within language: form (includes phonology , morphology and syntax ), content ( semantics ) and use ( pragmatics ).

For the linguistic expert Ferdinand de Saussure , language is composed of language (it is language , a general and constant model for those who make up a certain linguistic community) and speech (the momentary materialization of that resource; an individual and voluntary that is carried out through phonation and writing).


The story, the novel and poetry appeal to a language typical of literature.

Prelanguage and natural language

Before developing their capabilities in an extended way, the human being develops a prelanguage , a rudimentary communication system that becomes evident during the first years of life and that involves capabilities of both a neurophysiological and psychological nature, such as perception , motor skills , imitation and memory .

The concept of natural language , on the other hand, describes a linguistic modality or type of language that man develops with the purpose of communicating with his environment. This tool, as can be seen when analyzing its particularities, has syntax and is based on the precepts of optimization and economy .

Charles F. Hockett , likewise, has listed multiple features that appear in natural languages ​​as distinctive hallmarks. Among them, he mentions productivity (a detail that offers the possibility of generating new messages), arbitrariness (in reference to the link that can be established between the sign and the meaning) and the hierarchical structure (particularity that sets syntactic and grammatical criteria for languages). human, since the productions are not random).

sign language

And without forgetting that there are also other important types of language, such as sign language , for example. This, also called sign language , is what people who have some type of disability, whether auditory or vocal, use to communicate.

The use of hands, body expression and gestures are the basis of this sign language . It is important to mention that everyone can learn sign language to promote inclusion.


C++, CSS, Java and JavaScript are different types of programming languages.

Communication in journalism

Journalistic language is that which allows communication in the field of journalism. This is the language used in different journalistic genres , such as interviews, journalistic investigations, opinion pieces and reports.

This language has its own vocabulary, a particular prose, a certain lexicon, etc. There is even a jargon that usually emerges when carrying out discourse analysis .

Beyond the fact that we can talk about journalistic language in general, there are particularities that have to do with the type of communication or the context. The journalist who uses written language, to cite one example, must pay close attention to spelling, punctuation and syntax so that his message is clear. A television communicator , meanwhile, includes pauses when using oral language and takes care of his or her body language .

Language and language

Just as language is the human ability to establish communication through signs, language is a specific system of signs. Therefore, by appealing to language, you can learn different languages.

Language learning is increasingly important to progress in the professional world. Mastering a second language is key in many sectors since this bilingualism is necessary to interact with clients, suppliers or managers from other countries.

It is common to promote language teaching from an early age. This way you can assimilate the phonetics, intonation, accent and grammar of the new language, gradually improving your speaking speed with practice.

We cannot fail to mention that there are currently applications that allow automatic translation . However, these tools may not be entirely accurate.