Definition of



A lapse is a mistake that is committed due to carelessness.

Lapsus is a Latin term that can be translated as "slip." The concept is used to name the mistake or fault that is committed due to carelessness.

For example: "Sorry I confused your name, I had a lapse," "The minister's lapse generated laughter among those present," "Grandma had a lapse and kept the soap in the freezer."

The lapse as a failed act

It is usually understood that a lapse is a failed act , that is, an act that expresses something different or contrary to what the subject intentionally wanted to express. The lapse, in this sense, can be a verbal manifestation , a gesture or an action .

Starting from that meaning we have to say that there is what is known as lapsus linguae . This is a phrase of Latin origin that is identified by being made up of two terms: lapsus , which can be translated as "error" , and linguae , which is synonymous with language. It is commonly used to record that someone has made a mistake when speaking.


A lapse of memory is a temporary forgetfulness.

Classification of speaking errors

It must be established that there are many types of lapses when expressing oneself verbally. However, among the most significant are the following:

  • Anticipation lapse , which occurs when the person in question places the end at the beginning and vice versa when making a sentence.
  • Substitution lapse , which is one that is identified because, involuntarily, what would be a change in context is carried out.
  • Lapse of change . This is one of the most frequent types of slips and consists, as its name suggests, in using a word instead of another that is similar in pronunciation but has a totally different meaning.

The lapse according to Freud

For Sigmund Freud , the slip occurs when what the person wants to say conflicts with an unconscious thought or desire of the person. Although the failed act is exposed in its own manifestation, understanding the reason for the lapse can be complicated since the explanation is not usually accessible on a conscious level.

Let's take the example of a candidate for deputy who makes a speech with the intention of seducing voters. The man wants to show himself as someone honest who is part of a new political party. The candidate intends to highlight his honesty and indicates: "I can assure you that, if I am elected, there will be corruption." Of course, his intention was to point out: "I can assure you that if I am elected, there will be NO corruption." A mistake led him to make that mistake that could be interpreted as an unconscious manifestation of what he believes will happen if he wins the election.

memory problems

In addition to all of the above, we would have to point out that the well-known memory lapses also exist. These are momentary in nature and consist of a person, involuntarily, making a mistake or forgetting when trying to remember something specific.

When they occur, special attention must be paid since, as a general rule, they indicate that the individual has a mental problem, although, sometimes, they can be a simple symptom of stress or exhaustion.