Definition of

Social justice


Social justice implies the equitable distribution of social goods.

Social justice is a concept that emerged in the mid -19th century to refer to the need to achieve an equitable distribution of social goods . In a society with social justice, human rights are respected and the most disadvantaged social classes have development opportunities.

For many experts in the field, it is considered that the origin of social justice is found in what was distributive justice established at the time by the Greek philosopher Aristotle . It made it clear that it was the one that ensured that all people could enjoy and access a series of essential goods such as education or food .

Social justice and the State

Social justice implies the commitment of the State to compensate for the inequalities that arise in the market and in other mechanisms of society. The authorities must provide the conditions so that the entire society can develop in economic terms. This means, in other words, that there should not be a few billionaires and a large mass of poor people.

There is no social justice if, for example, 20% of society earns more than 500,000 pesos per month and 70% live with less than 1,000 pesos per month. There are different currents of thought, however, that propose different ways of addressing these inequalities.

Liberalism , in general, maintains that social justice is linked to the generation of opportunities and the protection of private initiatives. Socialism and leftist proposals, on the other hand, focus on state intervention to achieve social justice. There are those who maintain that certain profit margins are immoral in the midst of impoverished societies and seek to combat excessive profit through taxes, fees or other measures.

The countries with the best quality of life tend to be those that promote social justice since inequality and inequalities generate violence and promote social confrontations.


In a society with high rates of poverty there is no social justice.

A day established by the UN

February 20 is when the International Day of Social Justice is celebrated because that was how it was established in 2007 by the United Nations Organization ( UN ).

A day that this global entity advocates should be celebrated through activities that promote human dignity , development, full employment , gender equality and social well-being.

Social Justice Foundation

There is a large number of institutions worldwide that advocate and work precisely to achieve equality in different aspects among the entire population. Thus, for example, we would have to highlight the role of Fundación Justicia Social , a non-profit entity that was created in Colombia in 1999 and whose objectives include: access to education, the defense of human rights, sustainability of democracy or the promotion of peace.

In Spain , specifically in Madrid , there is also an entity that has the same name as the previous one. It is made up of social graduates and its objective is to promote and encourage all types of research and actions that revolve around social security and work.