Definition of


End of the game

The move that, in chess, ends the game is called checkmate.

The expression checkmate belongs to the field of chess . This is the name given to the play that ends the game and which results in victory for the person who managed to execute it.

When a player puts the opponent's king under direct threat , he leaves it in check . In this situation, the opponent must make a move that allows the king to be protected. If there is no possible move to save the king, it is a checkmate and the game comes to an end.

Checkmate, end of the game

The origin of the phrase checkmate comes from the Persian language and refers to the king being trapped or having no escape . This, in chess, means losing the game .

To get out of check, the king can be moved to a square that removes it from the reach of the rival pieces; interpose a piece between the aggressor piece and the king; or capture the offending piece. If none of these options can be realized, it is a checkmate. Otherwise, the game continues, no longer in check, until one of the players generates a situation of that type again.


The expression checkmate comes from Persian.

Chess Features

Chess is a game that enjoys a very particular popularity: it is known throughout the planet, it is enjoyed by people of all ages and social strata, it has its place in the competitive field and is considered an excellent stimulus for the brain. ; However, we could not say that it is a very popular game, probably because it requires a lot of patience and concentration , two characteristics that do not go hand in hand with today's life.

Winning a game should never be easy; It doesn't matter if we are talking about a sport, a board game or a video game, for it to be fun it must present a real challenge to the subject. Terms like "goal" or "checkmate" are very easy to say but very difficult to achieve in the middle of the game. Given our natural need to keep our body active, most people have a tendency towards sports, and this may explain the lack of patience to sit down to complete a chess session, which in some cases can last several hours.

How to achieve a checkmate

Chess experts know many tactics that can grant them a checkmate in a few moves, although these only work against someone with very little preparation. Let's see below one that allows you to win the game in three turns.

The first move is to move the king's pawn to cell E4. The objective of this first step is to leave the queen a clear path to advance diagonally and endanger the opposing player's king. That said, for this method to work it is necessary for the opponent to move the bishop's pawn two squares forward.

The second move is the capture of the bishop 's pawn with one's own, advancing diagonally one space. The idea is that the other player will be tempted to move his knight's pawn two spaces forward. If this happens, then it is time to move the queen to cell H5, from where no one can stop the king from eating.

Other uses of the term

In colloquial language, the idea of ​​checkmate is used to put an end to a discussion or an issue . For example: "Checkmate of the official project: the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional" , "If the authorities do not take measures, the pollution will leave the biodiversity of the region in checkmate" , "The fourth goal of the visiting team marked the checkmate". mate» .

"Checkmate" , finally, was a soap opera broadcast by National Television of Chile in 1993 . The protagonists were Francisco Reyes and Paulina Urrutia .