Definition of



Prayer is one of the pillars of Islam.

Islam is a monotheistic religion that is based on the book of the Quran . Its faithful believe in Allah ( God ) and the prophet Muhammad as his messenger. The Quran , in fact, was dictated by Allah to Muhammad through Jibril (the archangel Gabriel ), according to Islamic tradition.

The followers of Islam are Muslims , a term that comes from the Arabic muslim . For Muslims, Jesus Christ is not the son of God , but rather a prophet like Abraham , Moses and Noah , among many others.

Islam worldwide

There are between 1,000 and 1,800 million Muslims around the world, who worship Allah exclusively (there are no saints or other similar figures in Islam). The five pillars of their faith are acceptance of the basic principle that there is only one god , prayer, Zakah (helping those in need), fasting in the month of Ramadan and pilgrimage at least once in a lifetime, for those who can do so, to Mecca (the birthplace of Muhammad , a sacred place for Islam).

The person in charge of leading collective prayer in Islam is known as an imam . Although the imam is often compared to Catholic priests or Jewish rabbis , the truth is that any Muslim who knows prayers perfectly can assume this role.

Another important term in Islam is jihad ( "struggle" ), sometimes translated as "holy war." This concept is understood in different ways, according to the vision of each Muslim group , and is linked to the confrontation against those who oppose the will of Allah .

sacred city

According to Islam, all Muslims who are able to do so must make the pilgrimage at least once to Mecca.

The family

According to the words of the Quran, married life should revolve around a series of obligations of each party towards the other. The man has the task of supporting his wife and children, ensuring them food, clothing and housing. His role is that of a protector, who must strive to offer the best possible treatment to his family. Likewise, scholars assure that a woman has the right to have sexual relations with her husband at least once per menstrual period.

The role of the wife and mother must be pious, respectful and obedient to her husband's will, as long as his demands do not lead her to commit a sin. It is very important that you never open the doors of your house to someone who is not to your husband's liking, both in a figurative sense (that you never seek to harm them, that you do not ally yourself with your enemies) and literally.

Finally, children have the right to be born into a good family, with fathers and mothers who love them and guarantee them protection and dedication. The first aspect to take into account is the name, which must be chosen consciously; Then, it is important that there is no favoritism on the part of the parents towards some of the children and that they provide them with the education that Muhammad wanted for them.

Clothing in Islam

Allah ordered his followers to respect a certain clothing, described in the Koran, according to the words of Muhammad. In principle, it is established which garments are allowed to be worn and which are not; On the other hand, there are a series of recommendations, both regarding the preferred clothing and that which is preferable to avoid.

No one, whether man or woman, should wear clothing that is too tight or provocative, unless they are alone with their partner. Additionally, wearing clothing associated with the opposite gender is strictly prohibited .

Some territories outside Islam do not welcome the use of certain feminine garments in their communities, such as the veil or the burqa; In certain cases, as happened in Barcelona, ​​it has reached the point of prohibition.