Definition of


BoldThe Latin word intrepĭdus came to Spanish as intrépido . This adjective is used to describe someone who is not afraid of danger .

For example: "The intrepid boy did not hesitate to jump into the sea to rescue the little ones" , "The journalist, intrepid, asked the president about the allegations of corruption" , "Two intrepid travelers set out to travel the entire country on foot" .

He who is fearless, therefore, shows his bravery . The fearless person decides to act despite the risks and is willing to assume the consequences of their actions. However, in some cases the intrepid individual acts unconsciously , without reflecting.

It should be noted that the rating of intrepid is subjective , since the assessment of risks or dangers often depends on individual perception. Someone may say that someone who parachutes from an airplane is intrepid since they consider this type of jump to be dangerous, while another person may think that it is a very safe activity and, therefore, does not require a special value.

Similarly, the person qualified in this way may have a different opinion, stating that they do not feel fearless but simply do the things they are passionate about, without being aware of the dangers that others notice or without fearing them. If we think about it, other subjective qualifiers, like being “genius,” go through similar situations: geniuses don't always see themselves this way.

Suppose that, in the middle of a fire , a woman enters a home to try to rescue a dog. It can be seen that this person was fearless: he did not hesitate to risk his own life to save an animal that may not have known how to take shelter in that situation.

Of course, animals can also be fearless, and in fact this adjective is carried by millions of individuals every day when they perform endless feats that our species could not begin to imagine. Survival requires fearlessness, in fact, a noun that is defined as “ courage and courage in the face of danger; lack of reflection; audacity". If no one dared to confront the obstacles, entire species would disappear.

BoldThis leads us to think that in many cases the action of one intrepid being is enough for an entire community to be saved from misfortune. Every day we encounter stories of bravery from individuals who acted selflessly and without caution to save someone they didn't know, and we also read about police officers, firefighters, and scientists who, thanks to their fearlessness, solve problems whose consequences could have affected them. to many people.

We must point out, however, that an individual is fearless because he is formed this way from childhood, and not because he "decides to be." This does not mean that it is not possible to modify one's personality to adopt certain characteristics, but rather that the natural predisposition that leads us to be charismatic, fun, spontaneous, in tune when singing and fearless, among many other things, cannot be acquired through strength but in any case it can be imitated with a lot of effort.

On the other hand, the world does not only need intrepid beings. The secret of survival is found in valuing diversity: the combination between the most cautious and studious, those who think things through very carefully before acting, and the intrepid, with all the nuances in between, is perhaps the perfect formula.

The adjective fearless can also be applied to an action . In this framework it is possible to find expressions such as "intrepid rescue" , "intrepid maneuver" , "intrepid attack" , "intrepid act" , etc.