Definition of



In an argument, an intransigent person does not modify his position.

The first thing we are going to do is discover the etymological origin of the term intransigent that concerns us now. In this sense, we can state that it derives from Latin and that it is the result of the sum of these lexical components:

-The prefix «in-«, which means «no» or «without».

-The element "trans", which is used to indicate "from one side to the other."

-The verb "agere", which is equivalent to "carry out."

-The suffix "-nte", which is used to indicate the "agent".

What is uncompromising

The adjective intransigent is used to describe someone who does not compromise . The verb compromise , for its part, refers to giving in and partially consenting to what is not considered true, sensible or fair in order to end an argument or confrontation.

The intransigent person, in this way, is not willing to modify his position to reach an agreement or to end a discussion. The intransigent, therefore, does not accept that another individual may be right nor does he recognize that the other's arguments may be valid .

Among the synonyms of intransigent we come across terms such as intolerant, stubborn, sectarian, inflexible, stubborn, obstinate, stubborn or fanatic. On the contrary, among its antonyms we find words such as condescending, flexible or tolerant.


Someone who is intransigent tends not to consider the other's arguments.

The concept in colloquial language

In colloquial language, it is common to describe as intransigent the subject who strictly clings to a rule , a value or a tradition , without tolerating deviations from said parameter or excuses that justify a violation of those principles.

Take the case of a teacher who works in a secondary school. This teacher asks his students to write a 1,000-word text about a bill that will be debated by senators and that has public opinion in suspense. The deadline to submit the work is one week: the educator warns that the student who does not submit the composition in the scheduled time will be failed. Once the deadline was up, a young man approaches the teacher to explain that he could not complete the assignment because his father had a health problem and had to accompany him to the hospital. The man, despite the explanation, adopts an intransigent stance and decides to fail the boy, without caring why he could not fulfill his academic obligation.

Diary and book “The Intransigent”

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of a media outlet that was called "El Intransigente." It is an Argentine newspaper, specifically from the province of Salta, that was published between 1920 and 1981.

Currently there is a digital media that also responds to that same name and that proceeds to inform its readers of all the news related to Argentina in areas such as politics, society, sports, culture, music or health.

Likewise, in the literary field we find works that have the term in question in their titles. This would be the case, for example, of the book "The Intransigente", which was published in 2012 and was written by Maurizio Viroli.