Definition of

intrapersonal intelligence


Intrapersonal intelligence is based on self-knowledge.

Intrapersonal intelligence is the capacity for self-understanding . It is one of the components of Howard Gardner 's multiple intelligences, who proposed the existence of multiple types of intelligence.

Intelligence is a notion that has its most remote origin in the Latin intelligere , a word composed of two other words: intus ( "between" ) and legere ( "to choose" ). The term, therefore, is related to someone who knows how to choose or select the best options to solve a problem.

It is possible to talk about different types of intelligence depending on the context: biological intelligence (linked to the ability to adapt to new situations), psychological intelligence (cognitive, relationship and learning capacity), emotional intelligence (the ability to recognize and manage one's own feelings). and others), etc.

What is intrapersonal intelligence

In this case, intrapersonal intelligence is associated with access to one's emotional and sentimental life . It is, therefore, the person's ability to know himself.

Specifically, we can establish that every individual who has intrapersonal intelligence is characterized by being someone with the following identifying characteristics:

  • Bet on meditation at all times.
  • He frequently subjects himself to introspection .
  • He has high self-esteem .
  • It is identified by being aware of the present, what it is like, what it has in this life and where it is headed.
  • He knows how to perfectly recognize what his qualities and defects are.
  • He is capable of mastering his emotions and adapting them to the needs he has or the situations he is experiencing.
  • You are perfectly capable of regulating and controlling stress or your thoughts.
  • He is someone who is always aware of reality when setting goals. Hence, set goals that you can meet.

Intrapersonal intelligence allows access to one's own emotional and sentimental life.

Its usefulness

By identifying their emotions, the subject can interpret them and guide their behavior . Meditation and reflection are among the ways that help increase self-knowledge and develop intrapersonal intelligence.

Experts say that intrapersonal intelligence helps each individual realize how they really are and what they really want. Thus, by clearly seeing your true desires and desires, you can guide your behavior towards these goals.

Development of intrapersonal intelligence

There are many activities and exercises that exist so that any citizen can improve their intrapersonal intelligence. In this sense, we would have to highlight that the following can be undertaken:

  • Write an autobiography or diary.
  • Make a list of all the qualities you possess that are beneficial both for finding a job and for having optimal social relationships.
  • Write another list where the “faults” that exist are established and where those that are considered to be able to be improved are determined.
  • Reflect on where you are and where you want to go.
  • Establish real objectives that can be met in the short or medium term.

It is interesting to mention, finally, that “My intrapersonal intelligence” is a song by the Argentine rock group Intoxicados , released on the album “Buen día” (2001).