Definition of


personal development

Intelligence is key to personal development.

Intelligence is a term that comes from the Latin intelligentia , in turn derived from intelligere . This is a word composed of two other terms: intus ( "between" ) and legere ( "to choose" ). Therefore, the etymological origin of the concept of intelligence refers to someone who knows how to choose : intelligence makes it possible to select the most convenient alternatives for solving a problem.

According to what is described in etymology, an individual is intelligent when he is able to choose the best option among the possibilities that are available to him to solve a problem. For example: «Juancito is a very intelligent child: he is four years old and already knows how to read» , «We were trapped in the elevator for two hours but, thanks to Manny's intelligence, we managed to open the door and get out» , «To solve this riddle, you will have to use your intelligence .

Characteristics of intelligence

Intelligence can be classified into different groups according to its characteristics, such as psychological intelligence (linked to cognitive, learning and relationship capacity), biological intelligence (the ability to adapt to new situations), operational intelligence and others.

In all cases, intelligence is related to an individual's ability to capture data, understand it, process it and use it correctly. It means that it is the ability to relate knowledge and concepts that allow the resolution of a certain conflict , a quality that humans and also animals possess, only in their case it is called instinct .

Depending on the context, intelligence can be associated with cognition , creativity , the ability to analyze or make judgments . Many times these aptitudes or abilities begin to develop from observation or curiosity.

Wisdom and talent are notions that are usually linked to intelligence. It should be considered that there are abilities that are developed through education (the process of teaching and learning) and mental or other training, while other resources are innate.


Information processing is possible thanks to intelligence.

The difficulty of measurement

There are many misconceptions about intelligence: various concepts and mechanisms have even been developed to measure intelligence, such as the IQ of individuals. However, they only analyze a person's logical, mathematical and linguistic abilities, obtaining imprecise results regarding the subject's true ability.

If the complex nature of intelligence is taken into account, the concept can only be partially defined and for this, various procedures and attributes are used. We can analyze what was proposed by the American psychologist Howard Gardner , from Harvard University , who assures that intelligence can be understood as the potential of each individual that can be noticed and increased through various procedures, but that is impossible to quantify.

Mental agility

Intelligence is usually associated with mental agility and analytical ability.

Types of intelligence

Gardner , in turn, explains the different types of intelligence that exist according to his perspective:

  • Logical-mathematical intelligence is what allows the resolution of logical and mathematical problems ( mathematical operations, arithmetic and logically correct reasoning).
  • Linguistic intelligence consists of fluency in the use of the written and spoken word (skill in the use of language, meaning of terms, syntax, pronunciation, etc.). This intelligence gives someone the ability to narrate or write poems.
  • Spatial intelligence is what allows us to create models in the mind, with shapes, colors and textures. Those who possess this intelligence are capable of transforming into images everything they create in their minds. It is what is needed to draw, create designs, paintings and any type of graphic construction.
  • Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is used to control movements of all parts of the body in order to perform certain physical activities well. It is what is needed to develop activities that require a certain coordination and an adequate rhythm, such as sports or dance.
  • Interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence : The first is the one that allows us to relate to other living beings (expressions, voice control, gestures), and also includes the ability to understand the affectivity of other living beings. For its part, intrapersonal intelligence is consciousness: it is what is needed to establish comparisons between different acts and evaluate what we do and what others do.
  • Musical intelligence is what is applied to create sounds, melodies and rhythms. It is required, therefore, to express emotions and ideas through music .
  • Naturalistic intelligence serves to understand the natural environment and develop knowledge in fields related to nature, such as biology, geology and astronomy.

An artificial system capable of planning

Finally, it should be noted that there is the concept of artificial intelligence , developed to refer to systems created by human beings that are capable of planning, developing abstract thoughts, understanding ideas and learning.

Artificial intelligence , also called an intelligence system , originates from the fusion of computer science, physiology and philosophy and consists of giving intelligent life to an object that lacks it. It is developed from programming language codes and according to their complexity, more or less intelligent entities can be created, capable of making good, mediocre or bad decisions. It is the intelligence that robots and devices possess with a certain independence.

It should not be forgotten, however, that artificial intelligence does not have the capacity for reasoning. It works through algorithms that allow, among other issues, natural language processing, analysis of massive data (big data) and pattern recognition for decision making, for example.