Definition of



The integral refers to the total.

Integral is an adjective that indicates what is total or global . The term comes from the Latin integralis .

For example: “This country needs a comprehensive project and not measures that act as patches to solve only the most urgent problems,” “I want a comprehensive player who can play in any position on the field and who contributes both in attack and defense.” ” .

Integral in philosophy and mathematics

For philosophy , integral is the part of a whole that is part of its composition but without being essential to it , which means that the whole can subsist even without the integral part. This can be seen with some components of the human body: the arms or legs make up the integrity of the body, but it remains a body even without the presence of the limbs.

In mathematics , integral is the sign that indicates integration and the result of integrating a differential expression. The branch of mathematics that seeks to obtain a function from its derivative is known as integral calculus .

All this without forgetting that there are also other terms that use the word integral and that we use them in our most colloquial language. Thus, for example, we usually speak of complete nudity when the person in question is shown exactly as “God brought them into the world”, that is, without any article of clothing on their body.

Whole wheat flour

Whole wheat flour contains all the bran.

a type of flour

Whole wheat flour , on the other hand, is that which contains all the bran . This is unrefined ground wheat flour, which contains the skin and the pod. This flour allows us to produce whole wheat bread or black bread.

It should be noted that this type of bread has become one of the foods that are usually included in the diets of people who are trying to lose weight in recent years. And according to the studies carried out, it helps prevent the appearance of cancer, reduces cholesterol levels, is a good tool against constipation and also fills you up between meals.

Whole wheat bread can include other grains , such as rye. The high amount of dietary fiber and the high concentration of carbohydrates are some of the characteristics of whole wheat bread, which can be used as an accompaniment to meals, in the preparation of sandwiches or to make toast.

Use of the term integral as a name or title

In addition to all this, we would have to emphasize that in Spain there is an Integral entity. It is a non-profit association that belongs to the region of Murcia and whose main objective is to contribute to improving the quality of life in rural environments. This means taking measures and launching initiatives in agriculture, livestock, culture...

Likewise, we must not forget the publication “Revista Integra”. It revolves around issues such as the environment, health, natural nutrition, healthy living habits, solidarity or the home in general.

However, we should not overlook the Spanish Comprehensive Association, which contributes to supporting and developing what would be the field of consciousness of the human being.