You have to go to Latin to be able to find the etymological origin of the term establish that concerns us now. Specifically, we can establish that it emanates from the verb “instaurare”, which can be translated as “found” or “establish” and that it is the result of the sum of several lexical components of said language:
-The prefix “in-”, which means “inwards”.
-The verb “statuare”, which is equivalent to “stand up”.
Establish is a verb that refers to constituting, forming or implementing something . Whoever establishes, therefore, establishes or institutes.
For example: “We are going to establish a social assistance program so that no family goes hungry in our city” , “When I was young I fought to establish socialism in my country” , “A legislator presented a project to establish the National Sports Day ” .
Among the words that act as synonyms for establish, we can highlight establish, implement, found, erect, create or institute. On the contrary, among its antonyms we find words such as suppress, repeal or overthrow, for example.
Establishing, in short, is associated with founding or creating . As can be assumed, the concept can be used in multiple areas and contexts, since it refers to a very broad action that is carried out in numerous ways.
Suppose that a municipal government announces that it is going to establish a video surveillance system to improve security . The project involves the installation of dozens of cameras in public spaces, capable of recording images but which will also be monitored live by numerous operators. Once the system is established, the cameras will already be in operation and municipal employees will be prepared to observe what is happening on the streets and act if necessary.
A businessman, meanwhile, decides to establish a new rewards methodology to reward the company's best salespeople and encourage productivity. The owner of the company agrees to give a dinner for four people to the worker who achieves the most sales each month and will also give a bonus of 100 pesos to all sellers who manage to exceed their own figures. The establishment of this mechanism is applauded by employees.
At a historical level, we must highlight the existence of different moments in which the verb establish has gained great importance. One of them was when on February 11, 1873, for example, the First Republic was established in Spain. This political regime lasted until December 29, 1874, which was when the military and politician Arsenio Martínez Campos made a statement that brought with it the reinstatement of the Bourbon monarchy in the country.
On the other hand, we can highlight that, at the workplace level, there is increasing talk of the need for companies to commit to establishing teleworking in their employees. And it is considered that this would bring with it numerous advantages such as an increase in productivity and even the reconciliation of personal and family life with the professional life of those.