Definition of



Inspiration is a creative stimulus that arises spontaneously.

From the Latin inspiratĭo , inspiration is the process or result of drawing in or breathing in (bringing outside air into the lungs, driving thoughts into the mind). The concept has two main uses: on the one hand, it refers to the illumination that a divinity or supernatural force brings to a person while, on the other hand, the term names the entry of air into the body through the nose.

In the first case, inspiration is linked to the spontaneous stimulus that arises within an artist or creative. Inspiration does not appear through effort or will; therefore, it differs from work or training .

For example: "The inspiration for this book came to me when I was traveling around the country with my wife" , "I have to deliver a text in a few days, but the truth is that lately I have no inspiration and it is difficult for me to write" , "The new album of the singer shows a wear and tear of his inspiration .

Inspiration in art

This meaning of the term that we are addressing is what gives rise to the so-called artistic inspiration, which has its origin in Hellenic culture. In her there was the figure of the muse who was considered to be the goddess who "led" artists to create their different compositions and works.

Specifically, in Greece they had nine muses that were sources of inspiration for poets, musicians or thinkers, among others. Thus, those were the following:

Calliope, the muse of epic poetry and eloquence.

Erato, the one with the love song.

Melpómene, the one of tragedy.

Talía, the source of inspiration for bucolic poetry and also for comedy.

Urania, the muse of astronomy and science.

Clio, the one from the epic.

Euterpe, the one with music.

Polyhymnia, that of sacred poetry and sacred songs.

Terpsichore, the inspiration for dance.

How to invoke the muses

Beyond the spontaneous nature of inspiration, the subject can contribute to its appearance. Each person has their rituals or customs that they carry out with the desire to make inspiration arise.

Preparing a space in the house, listening to music , aromatizing the environment, visiting a certain place or traveling are some of the common behaviors to promote inspiration.


The action that allows air to enter the body through the nose is called inspiration.

Inspiration in breathing

In breathing , inspiration or inhalation consists of the entry of air into the body: "I want to see how your lungs are doing: please take a deep breath."

When you inhale, therefore, air enters the body. To expel it, you exhale.

The term in cinema

In addition to what has been mentioned, we have to state that there are two films that use the term we are analyzing as their title. The first of them was presented in 1946 and is directed by the filmmaker Jorge Jantus. Francisco de Paula or José Olarra are the actors who lead the cast of this Argentine production that serves as a biography of the great composer Franz Schubert.

The second film, also called "Inspiration", is Mexican and was brought to the big screen in 2001 by director Ángel Mario Huerta. It takes as protagonists several young people who meet one night at a nightclub and who, from that moment on, will intertwine their lives to get to know the pillars of human existence: love, friendship, pain...