Definition of


Insidious trap

Intentional behavior that causes harm is called "insidia."

Insidia , a term with etymological origins in the Latin language, refers to an act or an expression that carries a harmful intention . The concept, especially when used in the plural, can also refer to ambush (a deception perpetrated to harm an individual).

Some examples

Let's look at three sentences that include this term: “I suffered the insidiousness of my co-workers for many months until I decided to resign,” “I think Marcos acted with insidiousness, I don't think his behavior was well-intentioned,” “I understand that the People can make mistakes, but I do not tolerate deceit or the desire to harm others.”

Let's start with the first sentence, which talks about abuse that lasts a long time in a workspace, until the victim decides to leave. Insidiousness, understood as stalking or a kind of conspiracy, is very common in study centers and companies, where groups usually form that harass the weakest , attacking them both psychologically and physically. There are countless stories of abuse of this type, and the outcomes are very varied: while some manage to get away in time, others commit suicide because they can't take it anymore.

In the second example, the term insidiousness is used to express an opinion, so it is not entirely clear whether the behavior referred to should really be qualified in this way. The issuer talks about a person named Marcos, whose actions he describes in this way, although he does not provide details. He emphasizes, in any case, that he does not believe that he has proceeded with good intentions , and therein lies the essence of the insidiousness: it is not an error that causes harm to a third party, but rather one that is made voluntarily.

We come to the third and last sentence, in which the sender claims to be open to the errors of others, as long as it is not a case of deception or desire to cause harm to others. This way of thinking is what most human beings have in theory, since we are aware of not being perfect but we understand that freedom has a limit , which in no case should overlap with that of others.

For the right

In the field of law , insidiousness is considered to be an artifice that seeks to harm . The insidiousness in crimes such as forgery and fraud , among others, is taken into account.

Take the case of the crime of homicide . In Argentine legislation, criminal law contemplates the existence of aggravated homicide when certain conditions are met. When taking into account the way of committing it, homicide has an aggravating factor when the subject carries out an insidious procedure , considering insidiousness as the use of means so that the victim encounters greater difficulties when defending himself or preventing the attack.

Insidious not to bear it anymore

Insidiousness can cause depression and suicide attempts

Sculptures by Antonio Salgado

La Insidia , finally, is the name of a water fountain with a set of sculptures found in Quito (the city that is also the capital of Ecuador ). It is a work developed in 1923 by the artist Antonio Salgado , currently located in the Mariscal Sucre parish, in front of the Benjamín Carrión House of Ecuadorian Culture .

This work is known in the popular sphere by the name of Pileta de las Focas and today it is located in a roundabout between 12 de Octubre and Patria avenues. As a brief description, we can say that it includes the figure of a woman holding a snake in her hands, an image that probably refers to the moment in the Bible in which the devil tempts Eve. Around it are four seals and five containers sculpted in bronze.