Definition of



He who cannot satisfy his appetite can be described as insatiable.

With etymological origin in the Latin word insatiabĭlis , the adjective insatiable is used to describe someone or thing that cannot be satiated . The verb quench , for its part, refers to fulfilling or satisfying a desire or to completely quench thirst or hunger .

For example: "This man is insatiable: he has already gobbled four hamburgers and a pizza and he is still hungry" , "The State is insatiable, it always needs more money" , "The footballer, insatiable, I want to win another title and he is going for a new record" .

Different uses of the term insatiable

The most common uses of the term insatiable are associated with food and sex . People who eat food without control and never get "full" are insatiable, as are those who feel like having intimate relationships at all times.

In the field of sport , the competitor is defined as insatiable who, despite having won many trophies, always aims to continue obtaining victories and achieving other achievements . A tennis player who has been in first place in the world ranking for several years and who continues to train every day in double shifts to be in optimal physical and technical condition and thus add more achievements, is insatiable.

When, in a fire , the fire advances uncontrollably, it is common for journalists to mention it as insatiable . In this case, the concept is associated with the fact that the fire does not seem to be satisfied with what it consumed and continues to expand.


The insatiable fire continues to advance, devouring everything in its path.

Synonyms and antonyms

It is important to note that this word is not very common in everyday speech, although it is not one of high language either. Simply put, the situations necessary to create a context in which it makes sense do not occur every day. For this reason, we will see some of its most prominent synonyms, among which are certain terms of most frequent use: avid, anxious, glutton, voracious , tragaldabas, glutton, tripero and ambitious . Two of its several antonyms are fed up and satisfied .

With respect to the cases in which we can use this word to adjective a person, it is necessary to say that there are two well-defined extremes, with endless nuances in the middle: at one vertex are those individuals who have long been have shown themselves to be insatiable in one or more aspects of their lives; On the other hand, there are those who suddenly exhibit insatiable behavior that attracts the attention of their surroundings.

The condition of insatiable in time

This distinction also helps us understand that the adjective insatiable does not always describe a permanent trait in the personality of an individual, but rather it is often a phase, a temporary state that arises from issues such as stress, emotional problems. or economical. If a person is insatiable when eating, it is likely that there is an underlying problem since eating is one of the natural activities of our body and we should only carry it out to satisfy ourselves and return the energy that has been invested.

The point at which by nature we should stop eating is precisely when we reach satiety , when the body tells us that we no longer have the need to continue eating food. Something similar happens with sexual relations: once we reach the maximum point of pleasure, it is natural to relax and enjoy the sensations that our body goes through; A sexually insatiable person does not allow himself these moments of tranquility but instead pursues orgasm incessantly, until he reaches a point where he no longer enjoys it.

The idea of ​​insatiable, finally, appears in several cinematographic, television and literary works, such as the Mexican film "La insatiable" , the novel "Los insatiables" ( "The Carpetbaggers" in its original language) by the American Harold Robbins and the film Argentine «Insatiable» .