Definition of



Restless children are boisterous and tend to make a fuss.

Restless is an adjective from the Latin inquiētus that refers to one or that which is not still . This term (still) refers to that which does not have or does not move , or to that which is peaceful and undisturbed.

For example: "Pyrotechnics and fireworks make dogs restless" , "As a child I was very restless, I couldn't sit still for more than half an hour" , "The sea is restless: I don't think we can go sailing this afternoon" .

When applied to a human being , this adjective can have different connotations. Noisy people are described as restless: "My worst nightmare is having a group of restless teenagers listening to loud music as neighbors," "Please quiet those restless children, I can't rest."

restless children

On many occasions, the term restless is used to refer to that child who shows an attitude that manages to get his parents out of their "boxes" because he does not stop moving and doing things .

Specifically, medical professionals establish a series of important keys about this way of behaving by various children:

  • In some cases, it is a way to get the attention of their parents because they do not give them the necessary time.
  • In the same way, other times minors choose a restless attitude because their elders do not establish any type of rules for them and they do not know if that is right or wrong. They have not imposed clear rules about how and when to behave correctly and stay calm.
  • Likewise, we must not forget that other children are also restless by nature, and they have been born with that "more lively" and less slow temperament.
  • No less important is to emphasize that medical experts also agree in mentioning that, on other occasions, the fact that concern is demonstrated at all times by a minor may be due to having hearing or even learning problems. In these cases, it is advisable to put yourself in the hands of professionals who will find a solution through the corresponding treatment.
  • Of course, we must also keep in mind that other children actually have hyperactivity , a disorder that, in the same way, also needs medical help.

When someone feels nervous or has stress, they can be said to be restless.

Mood agitation and propensity for changes

He who is disturbed by an agitation of the spirit and who, therefore, suffers from restlessness , is also classified as restless. It is possible to oppose the fact of being restless to other states of mind, such as feeling serene, calm or relaxed: "Since my house was robbed, I have been living restless and in a state of alert," "I am a little restless because Facundo has not yet "He's back," "How do you expect me not to be worried if I've just been shot?" .

Restless, finally, is someone who is prone to making changes : "I am a restless man: I do not stay in the same job for more than two years" , "Ricardo is very restless: every year he wants to renew the decoration of the house" , "Don't be restless and try to complete your studies: there is no point in giving up soon after starting."