Definition of



In law, inhibition prevents a person from selling or encumbering their assets.

The Latin word inhibitio became, in Spanish, inhibition . The concept refers to the act and result of inhibiting or inhibiting .

The verb inhibit , for its part, refers to preventing, hindering or hindering something , such as an activity or the exercise of a faculty. In this way, the idea of ​​inhibition has several meanings.

Inhibition in law

In the field of law , the prohibition on a subject from taxing or selling all of its assets is known as inhibition. The inhibited person, therefore, cannot freely dispose of his or her properties.

A judge has the power to decide the general inhibition of an individual's assets as a precautionary measure, in order to ensure that the subject in question pays his debts . Whoever is inhibited must pay the amount owed to be in a position to request the lifting of the inhibition.

The concept in biology

For medicine , inhibition is the temporary suspension of an activity or function of the organism . This is achieved through a certain stimulus.

Enzyme inhibition , for example, decreases the activity of enzymes. This effect can be sought to solve a metabolic imbalance or to eliminate a pathogen. Molecules that inhibit enzymes are called enzyme inhibitors.

Inhibition as repression

The repression of a behavior or action is also called inhibition.

In this context, inhibition means stopping acting: "The young people put aside their inhibitions and began to kiss in public," "The model showed herself with her new boyfriend without inhibitions," "As soon as she arrived in the neighborhood, her inhibition was noticeable." , but then he loosened up and adapted."

lack of desire

The inhibition of sexual desire implies an abnormal decrease in interest in intimate relationships.

Decreased sexual desire

On the other hand, there is a phenomenon known as inhibition of sexual desire , which is defined as an abnormal decrease in the desire to have sexual relations, either with one's own partner or in general. Sex therapy professionals point out that this is the main reason why their patients come to their consultations.

The question most people ask is why this inhibition occurs. Well, the causes are several: it can occur due to depression, stress, as a result of a strong argument with a partner, or due to loss of interest in the relationship. Hormonal changes can also influence sexual desire, something often seen during menopause or pregnancy.

The causes just mentioned are just some of the most common, since in each case the picture can be very different. For example, certain difficulties in having sexual relations can lead the individual to lose desire to avoid discomfort. It is not always easy for specialists to know if they are dealing with this disorder. First of all, it is necessary to remember that not all people understand sexuality in the same way, nor do they feel the same needs .

One of the reasons why couples go through this kind of inhibition is the difference between their expectations related to the practice of intercourse: whether it is the form or the frequency, when erotic desire is not adequately combined, the sexual desire usually decreases. activity and, in many cases, sexual desire.

Within this framework, it may happen that one of the two people in the couple wants to have sexual relations much more frequently than the other and that this causes emotional discomfort that results precisely in the loss of desire to avoid conflict . If sexual inhibition is not treated in time, it is possible that third parties appear, and infidelity destroys the bond.