Definition of

genetic engineering


Genetic engineering makes the modification of DNA possible.

The idea of ​​engineering refers to the knowledge that points to the development and application of techniques that allow the implementation of industrial processes or the exploitation of natural resources. Engineers draw on principles of science to design and manufacture different types of structures and devices.

Genetics , meanwhile, is the branch of biology that analyzes issues linked to heredity. In this context, heredity is made up of those traits or characteristics that a living being obtains from its parents.

The sequence of deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ) that is essential for hereditary characteristics to be transmitted is called a gene . It can be said that genes contain the information that is passed from ascendants to their descendants.

What is genetic engineering

The set of procedures that allow modifying the composition of DNA is called genetic engineering . Using technology , it is possible to transfer a gene from one organism to a different one.

Through genetic engineering, regions of DNA can be removed, incorporated or altered . These processes serve to add new characteristics to organisms or develop different therapies or treatments, for example.

When genes from different organisms are combined, what is known as recombinant DNA is obtained. That is why it is usually indicated that genetic engineering develops recombinant DNA techniques .


Through genetic engineering it is possible to generate transgenics.


It is common for transgenic products , also called simply transgenic , to be referred to with a negative connotation. However, the precise meaning of the term is rarely indicated.

A transgenic is a genetically modified organism ( GMO ). This means that they are organisms that have recombinant DNA, a condition that worries many people because it is not "natural" (in the sense of what is given by nature ).

Beyond this consideration, the benefits that genetic engineering brings when producing transgenics are usually highlighted. With these techniques, more resistant crops can be generated, to mention one possibility, something that contributes to an increase in food availability.

Genetically engineered therapies

An important dimension of genetic engineering is its use in the field of health . Using their knowledge and techniques, therapies and treatments are developed that can reverse problems or restore damaged functions.

Suppose that, in an organism, a region of DNA is detected that has a certain defect. With genetic engineering, this part can be replaced with a normal DNA fragment. In this way, work is being done to treat adenosine deaminase deficiency , to point out one case.

The ethical debate

Genetic engineering can be applied to modify or create species , a particularity that provokes great ethical and philosophical debates. The manipulation of the essential processes of life is questioned by many people, who colloquially indicate that scientists are "playing God."

It cannot fail to be mentioned, on the other hand, that the technologies needed to develop and apply genetic engineering are in the hands of large multinational companies . Access to these resources, therefore, is only within the reach of the most powerful countries .

In this context, genetic engineering, rather than solving social problems, can increase inequalities . This is because underdeveloped nations are increasingly distant from the powers.