Definition of



An Influencer's Reach Can Be Massive

Influential is an adjective that is used to describe the one or thing that influences : that is, that has influence . The action of influencing, meanwhile, refers to the ability to cause a certain effect or to exercise power or dominance .

Someone who sets trends

It is often said that someone is influential when their opinions are heard and respected by many people . Influential individuals, in this framework, can set trends thanks to their ability to influence the decisions and opinions of others.

For example: “An influential economist, widely heard in the government, assured that the crisis will be very big and maintained that achieving recovery will take several years,” “The English guitarist is often mentioned as one of the most influential musicians of the last century.” , “Pep Guardiola is the most influential coach today, his style of play is marking an era” .

This is related to the concept of charisma , which is defined as "a particular ability to fascinate or attract" others. You are born with this, and if you take advantage of it, you can become influential without any effort. We can also say that leaders are charismatic and influential, and this brings us to the fine print: influence can be positive or negative .

At this point, the responsibility of the influential person is very important, if they are aware of their power over others, to strive to set good examples . In the case of movie and music stars, they are expected to take care of their behavior and words to avoid leading younger people down paths of crime and bad habits.

Large-scale influencer

To be influential on a large scale, it is essential to enjoy a certain fame or popularity , since otherwise society would not be aware of your thoughts, words or actions. It is also possible that the influential individual is not well known, but has access to sectors of power that make important decisions.

Presidents, musicians, actors y athletes, por mencionar algunas posibilidades, suelen posicionarse como personalidades influyentes. Cabe resaltar que si bien el mundo de la política y la economía despiertan un gran interés en mucha gente, nada se compara con el fanatismo que gira en torno a la showbiz.

Let's look at some real world examples. Cecilia Bartoli , the world's best-selling opera singer, is a Roman mezzo-soprano born in 1966 who captivates the entire world with her incredible musical talent . In addition to her unmatched voice, she is known for having recovered the repertoire of more than one unjustly forgotten composer, but also for having been the first woman to hold positions as artistic director of the Salzburg Festival . He is a very influential person, who has broken down the barrier of machismo on more than one occasion and gives us a look at a better, less unbalanced future, where effort and talent are rewarded regardless of sex or gender.

Social media influencer

The figure of the "influencer" on the Internet is the key to current advertising

The "influencers"

Currently, the term influencer , from the English language, is often used to refer to someone who is influential on social networks . These are users with millions of followers on Instagram , Twitter and other platforms.

Influencers are the objective of different companies that seek to promote their products and services to make them of mass interest. Thanks to the reach that these figures have on the Internet, they can guarantee very high numbers of views on their videos, so that their collaboration is largely satisfactory for whoever hires them. The greatest benefit for the company, however, is that its financial investment can be considerably less than that of a traditional advertising campaign.