Definition of


The notion of infallible comes from the Low Latin infallibilis . A Latin word is that we can establish that it is the result of the sum of the following lexical components:

-The prefix “in-”, which means “no” or “without”.

-The verb “fallecere”, which can be translated as “to deceive” or “to falter”.

-The suffix “-bilis”, which is used to indicate “possibility”.

It is an adjective that is used to describe someone or something that does not fail .

InfallibleFor example: “The San Antonio Spurs forward was once again infallible from the free throw line, making all seven of his shots,” “My grandmother taught me an infallible method to make the empanadas turn out juicy,” “The metal detector has proven to be infallible: we did not record a single failure in more than eight years of use.”

Certain, effective, unequivocal, certain, true, indubitable, indubitable, incontestable or certain are some of the words that function as synonyms for infallible. On the contrary, among its antonyms we can highlight words such as fallible, equivocal, doubtable, contestable, dubitable...

The concept is generally used with reference to a very high degree or percentage of success . An infallible shooter , in this framework, is one who usually hits the target. Of course, a person can always make mistakes, however the term infallible is used anyway when the subject is very effective.

A chef, for his part, assures that he has an infallible technique to make the dough he makes spongy. This chef follows a series of steps that, as he was able to verify thanks to his experience, always lead to obtaining the desired result. Logic indicates that, with the appropriate ingredients and respecting the methodology in question, there is no possibility of error.

In the same way, we can establish that laughter is considered to be an infallible method for getting people to release stress, leave their sadness behind and even significantly improve both their mood and their health.

Likewise, it is also said that there are infallible means to quit smoking such as hinopsis, sucking licorice or the use of specific patches, among other alternatives.

What is certain or undoubtable is also called infallible. It can be said that an actor is infallible at the box office when his films routinely gross millions of dollars, regardless of their characteristics. For producers, hiring this figure is a guarantee of commercial success: ticket sales are assured thanks to the loyalty of his fans.

In the field of literature we have to establish that there are also works that use the term that concerns us now in their titles. This would be the case, for example, of the novel “The Infallible”, which was published in 1981 and was written by Mervin and Mark Werlin.

It revolves around the figure of a child who has a strange power: he is able to heal simply by placing his hands on the person who has an ailment. However, he also has another peculiarity: he periodically commits evil acts.