Definition of


InescapableThe adjective inseparable is used to describe what is impossible to split (fragment, split, separate). When this action cannot be carried out, the element in question is inseparable.

For example: “The person of Mauricio Macri, with his history and background, is inseparable from his role as president” , “The success of Lionel Messi is inseparable from FC Barcelona: the greatness of the Argentine player cannot be conceived without the support of the Catalan club” , “That such a character has been elected mayor is inseparable from the cultural decline of this town” .

The indivisible, therefore, cannot be divided. Take the case of the Chilean singer-songwriter Víctor Jara , murdered in 1973 by the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet . Cultural analysts often affirm that his political militancy is inseparable from his artistic work: this is because Jara spread his ideology through his songs. There is no way, given the characteristics of his work, to separate his status as a militant from his role as an artist .

It is possible to maintain, on the other hand, that body and soul are inseparable in a human being . There is no way to establish a cut and remove the soul or spirit from a person, nor is it understood that a soul can exist that does not belong to an individual. Of course, in this case it is a complex topic, of great depth and with philosophical and religious implications.

Culture , meanwhile, is an inseparable element of a nation's identity . Everything that makes up culture, such as language, customs and artistic manifestations, are issues that make a nation a unique entity different from others.

InescapableIn short, we can affirm that what is indivisible cannot be separated or divided. However, it is curious that its meaning alludes to symbolic issues despite its root, splitting , which has a fairly widespread presence in science. In the field of medicine, for example, the term excision , that is, the noun of this same family, is defined as "the removal of an organ or tissue."

In other words, we do not usually talk about a material or matter that is inseparable from scientific tools and knowledge, but rather is reserved for issues such as ideas or situations. Therefore, while no one can deny that it is possible to carry out an excision in an organ of the human body, we could discuss the inseparable nature of an event and its historical context.

No matter how much evidence we obtain through the investigation of a given event to try to prove that it is inseparable from another or from the context in which it took place, another person may come up with different results, which may lead them to develop an opinion that is far from ours. or even opposite. This always present possibility that everything changes as a result of a new discovery is common to almost all fields of study of the human being, because despite having inhabited this Earth for thousands of years, we still remain a young species, which still has a lot to learn.

In this framework we could say that our discoveries are, many times, inseparable from our failures since it is through them that we learn to do things better, to make more effective decisions and to make more appropriate use of our resources. In some way, when we affirm that two things are inseparable, we say that their link is undeniable; However, it is very difficult to achieve absolute and unquestionable conviction, which is why these truths can fade at any time.