Definition of



The unequivocal is that which is certain and admits no doubt.

Unequivocal is an adjective that refers to that which does not admit of doubt or mistake . To understand its meaning, therefore, we must know that doubt is the indeterminacy of the mind about a fact or between two decisions, while a mistake is something done incorrectly.

Unequivocality, then, implies that there is no possibility of error , indeterminacy or failure . For example: “The thirty deaths are unequivocal data that confirms the epidemic,” “We cannot deal with unequivocal statements when we are still in the investigation stage,” “This is an unequivocal document that puts an end to the matter.”

The unequivocal in someone shy

Within the personal sphere, we have to say that there are issues that are unequivocal. Thus, for example, it is considered that there is an unequivocal series of signs or symptoms that make it clear that a person is shy. Specifically, among those would be the following:

  • He doesn't like meeting new people.
  • You can be in a meeting without hardly speaking.
  • He has low self-esteem.
  • She frequently turns red when speaking in front of others.
  • She feels comfortable in her own living space.

When a person is shy, they show unmistakable signs.

Signs of a person who is getting older

In the same way, continuing with examples of what the term at hand means, we can establish that there are also various symptoms that indicate that someone is getting older:

  • The first gray hairs begin to appear in his hair.
  • At some point someone refers to him as sir or ma'am.
  • It's getting harder and harder for him to go out partying.
  • The first ailments begin to appear.
  • He begins to have a series of personal commitments that prevent him from having as leisurely a life as he would like. And you have to take responsibility for your partner, children or family members.

Unambiguous name of plants

Botanical nomenclature consists of applying an unambiguous name to each plant , following certain standardized codes to avoid confusion. This demonstrates the importance of the unambiguous in some areas.

A plant named differently depending on the country can cause confusion; On the other hand, when appealing to an unequivocal system such as the scientific nomenclature used by botany, such mistakes are not possible.

Other considerations

There are many internationally recognized personalities who are important figures within their professional sector and who resort to the use of the term that concerns us now. Thus, for example, at the time the Spanish film director Pedro Almodóvar even said that the fact that one of his films was chosen to be the one in charge of opening the Cannes Festival was an unequivocal sign that they adored that film. .

It should be noted that, in some cases, presenting what is unequivocal may include errors or lack of certainty . A person can affirm something with certainty, as if it were an unequivocal statement. However, a third party may deny or dismiss such statements. This does not mean that the first person lied: perhaps he simply did not have the necessary information to know that his statements were not unequivocal.

In any case, the unequivocal should always contain some type of scientific or factual confirmation that makes it possible to demonstrate the non-existence of the possibility of error or uncertainty.