Definition of


UndocumentedUndocumented is the classification given to the individual who lacks official documents or who does not have them with them at a given time. The term can also be used to refer to what cannot be reliably demonstrated or verified .

For example: "The first time I arrived in this country, they deported me a few days later for being undocumented," "The police detained three undocumented immigrants after receiving accusations that made them the main suspects in the destruction of the Legislative Palace," "According to different versions, the poet would have been murdered at the end of the 14th century, although the fact remains undocumented to this day."

Generally, the idea of ​​undocumented is used with reference to an immigrant who enters a country without complying with legal requirements . In this way, he remains in the territory without having the documents required by the authorities .

Although the causes are multiple and vary according to the region, the time and even each individual, the usual thing is that those who decide to emigrate from their homeland without following the formal steps to enter another nation do so forced by necessity . Many times an individual prefers to be undocumented and escape extreme poverty; ethnic, religious or political persecution; or violence , to name a few possibilities.

The position of the States regarding undocumented immigrants is usually based on detention and subsequent expulsion ( deportation ). On certain occasions, the subject is facilitated in processing the necessary documents to regularize their situation.

UndocumentedIt is important to keep in mind that, no matter how undocumented a human being is, they still have rights . As an example, we can mention that an undocumented person must have access to emergency medical assistance and a salary if they work.

The life of the undocumented is very difficult for several reasons. First of all is the view of others, the judgment made by people who have probably never had to go through a really difficult situation in their lives, since they were born in "the right country." Individuals who cross a border without the necessary legal documents generally do so out of desperation because they do not have access to a decent standard of living in their homelands; It is not a whim, an arbitrary desire to "annoy" the inhabitants of another region.

There is an unfortunate link between the image of the undocumented and crime, a link that feeds yellow journalism following the instructions of the most classist and racist governments, whose vision is as dangerous as that of the great tyrants of history but they disguise it under assumptions needs to protect the economic balance of their country. It is very important to change the mentality of those who associate immigration with a lack of ethics or education , and to achieve this goal it is enough to closely observe the millions of immigrants in each city: many of them are forced to accept jobs that They are far below their academic preparation, and to place themselves below the command of a local individual whose knowledge is far inferior to theirs.

No one who has not experienced the adventures that immigrants must go through to obtain legal permission, a blank job and - much more difficult - the respect of their new fellow citizens can imagine the emotional exhaustion that this entails. It is very unfair that a criminal with the correct passport can pass through airport security systems receiving even a smile while a good person must be treated as if he were a criminal just for not having the necessary documents or for having ethnic characteristics. poorly seen